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发布时间:2024-03-17 03:09:42

[单项选择]all of the following are function of crm system except ()
A. automation procurement
B. automation sales
C. automation marketing
D. automation customer service

更多"all of the following are function o"的相关试题:


All of the following are functions of CRM system except()

A. automation procurement
B. automation sales
C. automation marketing
D. automation customer service
[单项选择]Which of the following best describes the function of the last paragraph in relation to the passage as a whole
A. It summarizes the benefits that may accrue from a perfected system of pathological taxonomy.
B. It provides additional reasons why pathological taxonomy is a difficult endeavor.
C. It argues for a synthesis of two methods of pathological taxonomy already in use.
D. It continues to highlight the differences between two methods of taxonomical pathological taxonomy.
E. It provides information that points to the eventual abandonment of a particular system of pathological taxonomy.
[单项选择]Cloning has been criticized for all the reasons EXCEPT ______.

A. usefulness in genetics
B. premature aging
C. its effects on the experimental animals
D. safety reasons
[单项选择]Idiolect may combine all the following elements EXCEPT
A. age variations.
B. gender variations.
C. time variations.
D. regional variations.
[单项选择]When you are with an old man, you should do all except ______.

A. standing up when you have a talk with him
B. giving your seat to him on the bus
C. interrupting him if he talks too much
D. showing your respect to him
[单项选择]It seems that the woman is all of the following EXCEPT______.

A. upset
B. jealous
C. sensitive
D. considerate
[填空题]In order to set the system, you should have all passengers get out of the vehicle.
A. 租赁期内的服务
B. 个性化服务
C. 建立详细的租户档案
D. 数据统计与分析
[单项选择]CRM是一个集成化的信息管理系统,以下不属于CRM系统具备的主要功能的是 (3)
A. 具有整合各种客户联系渠道的能力,并把客户数据可以分为描述性、促销性和交易性数据三大类
B. 能用于识别和规划企业资源,对采购、生产、成本、库存、销售、运输、财务和人力资源等进行规划和优化
C. 系统必须实现基本的数据挖掘模块,能对客户信息进行全方位的统一管理
D. 能够提供销售、客户服务和营销3个业务的自动化工具,并具有可扩展性和可复用性
[单项选择]CRM的灵魂是( )。
A. 数据挖掘
B. 数据仓库
C. 智能软件
D. 信息存储技术
[单项选择]实际的CRM分为( )。
A. 管理思想层
B. 软件产品层
C. 管理系统层
D. 以上全是
A. CRM以产品和市场为中心,尽力帮助实现将产品销售给潜在客户 
B. 实施CRM要求固化企业业务流程,面向全体用户采取统一的策略 
C. CRM注重提高用户满意度,同时帮助提升企业获取利润能力 
D. 吸引新客户比留住老客户能够获得更大利润是CRM的核心理念
A. 客户
B. 竞争对手
C. 公司自身
D. 社会
A. 人力资源管理系统
B. 物流管理系统
C. 客户关系管理系统
D. 供应链管理系统
A. 对顾客信息进行分析
B. 与其他系统保持沟通
C. 收集顾客信息
D. 为员工提供信息
[单项选择]CRM的管理思想是( )。
A. 以客户为中心
B. 以员工为中心
C. 以客户价值为中心
D. 以企业利润为中心
[单项选择]已知y’+y=x的一个解为y1=x,y"+y=2ex的一个解为y2=ex,则方程y"+y=x+2ex的通解为 。
A. x+ex
B. c1cosx+c2sinx
C. c1cosx+c2sinx+x+ex
D. c1cosx+c2sinx+x
A. 评价居民健康状况的主要指标,可概括地说明某人群的健康水平
B. 预期寿命一般用直方图表示
C. 仅取决于出生时年龄组死亡水平的大小
D. 婴儿死亡率的高低对平均寿命的影响不太明显
E. 就是平均死亡年龄


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