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发布时间:2024-07-08 18:09:43

[单项选择]Although many people view conflict as bad, conflict is sometimes useful ______ it forces people to test the relative merits of their attitudes and behaviors.
A. by which
B. to which
C. in that
D. so that

更多"Although many people view conflict "的相关试题:

[单项选择]Although many people view conflict as bad, conflict is sometimes useful ______ it forces people to test the relative merits of their attitudes and behaviors.
A. by which
B. to which
C. in that
D. so that
[单项选择]Many people view retirement as a time to stop working. But new research shows that people who take on full- or part-time jobs after retirement have better health.
The finding is based on data collected from 12,189 men and women over a 6-year period. The participant.,;, who were from ages 51 to 61 at the start of the study, answered questions about their employment history, experiences after retirement and their physical and mental health. Researchers from the University of Maryland found that men and women who kept working after retirement had fewer major diseases or disabilities than those who quit work, according to the study. Retirees benefited whether the work was a full- or part-time job, self-employment or temporary.
While working after retirement is good for you, the data also suggest that retirees shouldn’t take on just any job. Among those who kept working, the retirees who found work related to their previous careers had the best mental health. The study authors spe
A. It shows working is also good for people’s physical health.
B. The participants were tracked over a 14-year period and then investigated at 70.
C. Retirees will live another 12 vears if they keep on working.
D. It finds the 70-year-olds would live another 2.5 years if they kept working.
[单项选择]"Too many people view their jobs as a five-day prison from which they are paroled every Friday," says Joel Gookman, founder of The Humor Project, a humor-consulting group in Saratoga Springs, N.Y. Humor unlocks the office prison because it lets adults bring some of their childlike spirit to the job.
According to Howard Pollio, professor of psychology at the University of Tennesse, Knoxville, an office with humor breaks is an office with satisfied and productive employees. Pollio conducted a study that proved humor can help workers excel at routine production task. Employees perform better when they have fun.
In large corporations with a hierarchy of power, there is often no outlet for stress, "Every company needs underground ways of poking fun at the organization," says Lynn M. Mark, a speaker on workplace humor for St. Mary’s Health Center in St. Louis.
Kodak’s Rochester, N.Y., branch discovered a way for its 20,000 employees to uncork their bottomed-up resentment
A. the door of an office is always locked
B. the office workers have no freedom
C. there is no work break in the office
D. the atmosphere in the office is solemn
[填空题]Many Irish people thought a simple view of history was ______ in Northern Ireland.
[简答题](1)To stop halfway is very bad.
(2) Many people failed because they stopped halfway.
(3) To finish a job, whether hard or not, it requires confidence.
[单项选择]Passage Three
There are so many bad things about women drivers, I don’t know where to start. I guess I will get the bail rolling by talking about one of my biggest pet peeves. Why do women have to wait until they are in the car and barreling down the highway at sixty miles an hour before they decide it is time to put on their makeup
Is there a law that I don’t know about that says women have to do their makeup in the car because the bathroom isn’t good enough for them I don’t know if anyone has ever informed women, but the mirror in the car is not a makeup mirror. The mirror is used for looking at other cars and pedestrians. So please do us all a favor and do your makeup before you leave the house.
The next order of business for the men should be to find out whose brilliant idea it was for women to have a phone in the car. This has disa
A. Men don’t rent a van to move their homes.
B. Women would be happy to drive on dates if they are given the chance
C. Most winners in motor races are men.
D. Women think turn signals are for decoration.

There are so many bad things about women drivers, I don’t know where to start. I guess I will get the bail rolling by talking about one of my biggest pet peeves. Why do women have to wait until they are in the car and barreling down the highway at sixty miles an hour before they decide it is time to put on their makeup
Is there a law that I don’t know about that says women have to do their makeup in the car because the bathroom isn’t good enough for them I don’t know if anyone has ever informed women, but the mirror in the car is not a makeup mirror. The mirror is used for looking at other cars and pedestrians. So please do us all a favor and do your makeup before you leave the house.
The next order of business for the men should be to find out whose brilliant idea it was for women to have a phone in the car. This has disaster written all over it. Everyone knows that women can’t even walk and chew gum at the same time, so how in the h
A. Women should drive more carefully
B. Women shouldn’t be drivers
C. Men are better drivers than Women
D. Men should be more tolerant of women drivers


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