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发布时间:2023-10-22 15:16:39

[填空题]Many Irish people thought a simple view of history was ______ in Northern Ireland.

更多"Many Irish people thought a simple "的相关试题:

[单项选择]Stack is quite simple. Many computer systems have stacks built into their circuitry. They also have machine-level instructions to operate the hardware stack. Stack is ______ in computer systems.
A. useless
B. not important
C. simple but important
D. too simple to be useful
[填空题]People can see many animals there.
[单项选择]Although many people view conflict as bad, conflict is sometimes useful ______ it forces people to test the relative merits of their attitudes and behaviors.
A. by which
B. to which
C. in that
D. so that
[单项选择]People communicate for many reasons. They communicate in order to give information, to ask help, to give orders, to 61 promises, to provide amusement, to express their 62 . Much of the communicating that people do is 63 to persuade someone to change his attitudes or the way he behaves.   The study of persuasion is interesting both on scientific and on practical grounds. On the scientific side, it helps us to understand 64 why people behave the way they do and why their 65 sometimes changes. On the practical side, an understanding of persuasive techniques would have obvious 66 to an advertiser, a politician, and educator--to anyone 67 job is to change what people think and do.It is probably not 68, therefore, that the 69 of research devoted each year to this topic has been growing even faster than the burgeoning rate of psychology as a whole. There have been literally hundreds of experiments on persuasive communication during 70 of the past decades.
A. make
B. keep
C. ask
D. give
[单项选择]Many people view retirement as a time to stop working. But new research shows that people who take on full- or part-time jobs after retirement have better health.
The finding is based on data collected from 12,189 men and women over a 6-year period. The participant.,;, who were from ages 51 to 61 at the start of the study, answered questions about their employment history, experiences after retirement and their physical and mental health. Researchers from the University of Maryland found that men and women who kept working after retirement had fewer major diseases or disabilities than those who quit work, according to the study. Retirees benefited whether the work was a full- or part-time job, self-employment or temporary.
While working after retirement is good for you, the data also suggest that retirees shouldn’t take on just any job. Among those who kept working, the retirees who found work related to their previous careers had the best mental health. The study authors spe
A. It shows working is also good for people’s physical health.
B. The participants were tracked over a 14-year period and then investigated at 70.
C. Retirees will live another 12 vears if they keep on working.
D. It finds the 70-year-olds would live another 2.5 years if they kept working.


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