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发布时间:2023-12-23 02:38:49

[多选题]which statements about cession of territory are correct?
A. Cession of territory involves a transfer of sovereignty from one authority to another usually as a result of the conclusion of peace treaties.
B. 1n contemporary international law, only voluntary cession of territory may be legal.
C. The acquiring state can enjoy the rights over the land acquired through cession no more than those possessed by the predecessor.
D. Cession may arise in such circumstances as land purchase or exchange of land.

更多"[多选题]which statements about cession"的相关试题:

Which statements about territory as following are correct?
A. state sovereignty is firmly founded upon the fact of territory.
B. A state enjoys and exercise its sovereignty over its territory to the exclusion of other states.
C. A political entity cannot be considered as a state without territory.
D. The principle of respect for territorial integrity of states has been one of the most fundamental principles of international law.
[多选题]which statements about conquest of territory are correct?
A. Acquisition through conquest now is merely of historical interest.
B. Territorial acquisition by use of force will not be recognized in international law.
C. Territory was usually ceded from conquered to conqueror under a peace treaty before the First world war.
D. No territorial acquisition resulting from the threat or use of force shall be recognized as legal.
[多选题]which statements about accretion of territory are correct?
A. 1t refers to the physical change of the territory of a state by the enlargement of land.
B. 1t refers to the artificial change of the territory of a state such as constitution of artificial island or other installation.
C. New land emerging within the territory of a state will undoubtedly constitute a part of the territory of the state.
D. Artificial 1sland constructed by a state in the high seas will undoubtedly consistent a part of the territory of the state.
Which statements about regional organizations are correct?
A. They are established by geographically and ideologically related states.
B. They are established by the General Assembly or the security Council.
C. They differ from universal organization in terms of scale, power and capacity.
D. They differ from universal organization in terms of function and legal personality.
[多选题]which statements about the warsaw Convention 1929 plus the Hague Amendment 1955 for the Convention are correct?
A. They have laid up the liability of civil airline companies for death and injury suffered by passengers.
B. They were created with the purpose of establishing upper limits for liability.
C. They deal with issues of responsibility and insurance for damage to passengers.
D. They deal with the matters of hijacking and other terrorist activities on board aircraft.
[多选题]which statements about the unauthorized aerial intrusion are correct?
A. Every state should respect the territorial sovereignty, including the sovereignty of the airspace of any other state.
B. The unauthorized aerial intrusion of a state)s territory is considered as directly infringing the territorial sovereignty of that state.
C. 1nternational law recognizes the use of force by the intruded state against the intruding aircraft without warning.
D. The included state has the right to require a civilian airplane to land at a designated airport if it is flying over its territory without authority.
[多选题]which statements about the international arbitration are correct?
A. Arbitration is a procedure for the settlement of disputes between states by a binding of award on the basis of law.
B. state may express consent to arbitration in certain treaties or in certain provisions of general treatise under which the parties agree to submit certain disputes between them to arbitration.
C. states are not obliged to send a dispute to arbitration even if they do make consent to arbitration.
D. states are obliged to send a dispute to arbitration ifthey have expressed consent to arbitration.
[多选题]which statements about the discovery and occupation of terra nullius are correct?
A. Discovery of a piece of land is not sufficient to the establishment of title to it.
B. Discovery is just the procession to the occupation of the territory.
C. Discovery only put other states on notice that the claimant state has a prior interest in the territory.
D. Relating to occupation of terra nullius, there are two basic principles of continuity and contiguity.
[多选题]which statements about the jurisdiction of the flag state on the high seas are correct?
A. The order of the high seas is firmly based upon the concept of the nationality of the ship and the consequent jurisdiction of the flag state over the ship.
B. The nationality of a ship will depend upon the flag it flies.
C. The flag state will enforce the rules and regulations not only of its own municipal law but also of international law.
D. A ship without a flag may not enjoy certain benefits and rights available under the legal regime of the high seas.
[多选题]which statements about local remedies are correct?
A. Local remedies include only reference to the courts and tribunals.
B. Local remedies include also the use of the procedure facilities which municipal law makes available to litigants before such courts and tribunals.
C. Local remedies applied to injuries should be effective.
D. An individual or corporation does not need to exhaust all appeal mechanisms if such appeals are clearly going to prove futile.
[多选题]which statements about internal waters are correct?
A. 1nternal waters are referred to as parts of the seas that lies on the landward side of the basslines.
B. states enjoy the full territorial sovereignty over their internal waters.
C. All other states have the rights of innocent passage through internal waters.
D. As far as a foreign ship within the internal waters of a state is concerned, that state may exercise exclusively its criminal and civil jurisdiction over the ship.
Which statements about the international organizations before the First world w ar are correct?
A. The emergency of international organizations is firmly founded upon the evolution of a modern nation states and the requirement of international cooperation.
B. 1nternational organizations remained regional and Eurocentric.
C. 1nternational organizations were created specifically to deal with issues in a region or relating to specific fields.
D. 1nternational organizations lacked comprehensive and global perspective.
[多选题]which statements about the security Council are correct?
A. 1t was established to play the role of an executive organ in the UN.
B. 1ts primary function is to maintain international peace and security.
C. 1t is to act strictly on behalf of the members of the UN as a whole.
D. 1ts decisions are binding upon all member states.
[多选题]which statements about the principal organs of the UN are correct?
A. The General Assembly is the parliamentary body.
B. The sC is an executive organ.
C. The ECosoC is an executive organ.
D. The 1CJ is the principal judicial organ.
Which statements about the relation between the aliens and the local state are correct?
A. states have certain obligations to protect foreign nationals from injuries.
B. Not every injury to foreign nationals will automatically be imported to the state.
C. states is liable if it has failed to take necessary measures to prevent injuries to foreign nationals.
D. The state of the injured national has the right to claim remedy of the respondent state for the wrongful act committed.
[多选题]which statements about the personality of individuals on the international planes are correct?
A. Action of certain individuals had been considered vitally important to the peace and security of the international community as a whole.
B. obligations have been placed on individuals concerning such serious criminal activities as war crimes, crimes against humanity and piracy.
C. The debate over the status of individuals in international law is accompanied with the rise of the international protection of human rights.
D. 1nternational law will definitely be more attentive to the interests and welfare of mankind itself.
[多选题]which statements about the relation between treaties and customs are correct?
A. Treaties (or international conventions) are a relatively modern method.
B. Treaties are playing an increasing significant role in the lawmaking process in international law.
C. Treaties are written agreements while customs have not been written down or codified.
D. Custom is a very dynamic source of international law because of the nature of international law and its lack of centralized government organs.
[多选题]which statements about the application of treaties are correct?
A. Treaties are binding and should be carried out in good faith.
B. Provisions of a treaty will not bind a party as regards any act or fact which took place before it became a party of the treaty.
C. Treaties are to apply to the entire territory of every party unless other intention is made clear.
D. Treaties cannot bind states which are not parties to them unless those states express consent to be bound.
Which statements about the hands are correct?
A. All states are to respect the freedom of the high seas.
B. No state may acquire sovereignty over parts of the high seas.
C. Land.locked states also enjoy the freedom of the high seas.
D. states enjoy the freedom to conduct naval exercises on the high seas.


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