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发布时间:2023-10-06 14:56:49

Which statements about the hands are correct?
A. All states are to respect the freedom of the high seas.
B. No state may acquire sovereignty over parts of the high seas.
C. Land.locked states also enjoy the freedom of the high seas.
D. states enjoy the freedom to conduct naval exercises on the high seas.

更多"[多选题]Which statements about the han"的相关试题:

[多选题]which statements about opinijuris are correct?
A. 1t)s a basic component for an effective customer rule.
B. 1t refers to the distinction between custom and general practice.
C. General practice could be turned into custom by opinijuris.
D. 1t means the belief that the state is legally bound to behave in a particular way.
[多选题]which statements about bays are correct?
A. 1t is recognized that bays have a close connection with land and that is more appreciate for them to be considered internal waters rather than territorial sea.
B. The baseline of the territorial sea ought to be measured from the low.water line off the coast of the bay.
C. The baseline of the territorial sea ought to be drawn on the basis of the straight baseline used to close off the mouth of the bay.
D. Historical bays are deal with under customary international law.
[多选题]which statements about island are correct?
A. An island is a naturally formed area of land, surrounded by water, which is above water at high tide.
B. The general provisions regarding the measurement ofthe territory sea can apply to islands.
C. Every island, no matter how small it is, is capable ofpossessing a territorial sea.
D. 1slands will possess baselines for all maritime zones, including the territorial sea, contiguous zone, exclusive economic zone and continental shelf.
[多选题]which statements about the ECosoC are correct?
A. 1t consists of 54 members elected by the General Assembly for three.year terms.
B. Each member has one vote, and no one has the veto power.
C. 1ts functions are to make or initial studies and reports with respect to international economic, social, culture, educational, health and related matters.
D. 1t has established a wide range of economic, social, and human rights bodies.
[多选题]which statements are correct according to the Chicago Convention on 1nternational Civil Aviation?
A. The Convention does not apply to state aircraft.
B. Those aircraft which operate on schedule international air services are to be distinguished from other civilian aircraft.
C. 1nternational air service may not be operated over or into the territory of a state without the state)s special authorization.
D. Aircraft not engaged in scheduled international air services have the right to make flights into or in transit non.stop across the contracting state)s territory without prior permission.
[多选题]which statements about territorial jurisdiction as following are correct?
A. state officials cannot carry out their functions unless such action on foreign territory is consented by the host state.
B. The municipal courts of a state are capable of trying cases in which foreign factors are involved.
C. on certain occasions states may exercise jurisdiction outside their territory.
D. Certain persons, property and situations are immune from the territorial jurisdiction.
Which statements about territorial integrity are correct?
A. The territorial integrity of states may be one of the most fundamental notions in international protection of sovereign rights of states.
B. The principle of territorial integrity has been laid down in a series of international conventions.
C. The territorial integrity of a sovereign state is to be respected by any other states.
D. 1nternational servitude violates the principle of territorial integrity.
[多选题]which statements about territorial sovereignty as following are correct?
A. Territorial sovereignty has a positive and negative aspect.
B. The positive aspect of territorial sovereignty relates to the exclusivity of the competence of the state regarding its own territory.
C. The negative aspect of territorial sovereignty refers to the obligation to protect the rights of other states.
D. sovereignty in relation to a portion of the surface of the globe is the legal condition necessary for the inclusion of such portion in the territory of any particular
[多选题]which statements about internationally wrongful act of a state are correct?
A. Every internationally wrongful act of a state entails the international responsibility of that state.
B. A wrongful act is a conduct consisting of an action or omission which is attributable to the state under international law.
C. A wrongful act is a conduct consisting of a breach of international law obligation of the state.
D. only the wrongful acts of an international person against another are under the supervision and within the jurisdiction of international law.
Which statements about regional organizations are correct?
A. They are established by geographically and ideologically related states.
B. They are established by the General Assembly or the security Council.
C. They differ from universal organization in terms of scale, power and capacity.
D. They differ from universal organization in terms of function and legal personality.
[多选题]which statements about diplomatic protection are correct?
A. A state is not to pursue claims beyond the limit of protection for its own nationals and such diplomatic protection must not be exercised as intervention in the internal affairs of other states.
B. 1t)s the link of nationality between the state and the individuals which alone confers upon the state the right of diplomatic protection.
C. A state is not to provide diplomatic protection for the individual with dual nationality.
D. where there existed a genuine link between the claimant state and its national could the right of diplomatic protection arises.
[单选题]关于性能数据库说法正确的是( ) which is correct,about performance database( )
A. 每隔28天更新 Updated every 28 days
B. 只能由厂家更新 Can only be updated by the manufacturer
C.更换发动机后需要更新 After replaceing the engine,it is needs to be updated after
[单选题]关于导航数据库说法正确的是( ) which is correct,about navigation database( )
A. 每隔28天更新 Updated every 28 days
B. 只能由厂家更新 Can only be updated by the manufacturer
C.更换发动机后需要更新 After replaceing the engine,it is needs to be updated after
[多选题]which statements about the nationality principle of criminal jurisdiction are correct?
A. since states possess sovereign rights and jurisdictional powers, they are capable of exercising jurisdiction over nationals.
B. Nationals of a state are obliged to be subject to the jurisdiction of the state.
C. A national who committed crimes, even though such a national is now resident abroad, will be tried for his offense, once he returns within the jurisdiction of the state.
D. states are to respect the legitimate rights of nationals of other states and may not mistreat them within its jurisdiction.
[多选题]which statements about the territorial principal of criminal jurisdiction are correct?
A. According to the territorial principle, a state is capable of exercising jurisdiction over crimes committed within its territory.
B. The territorial principle is an indispensable aspect of the sovereignty exercisable by a state.
C. Persons who are resident within the territory of a state, although temporarily, are to be subject to the jurisdiction of the local courts of the state.
D. 1f a resident person in a state is accused or convicted, he will be sentenced by the local courts of the state, even though he is a foreign citizen.
[多选题]which statements about restrictive immunity as following are correct?
A. The sovereign was completely immune from foreign jurisdiction in any case.
B. 1mmunity may be granted to governmental acts.
C. 1mmunity is not available for acts relating to private or trade activity.
D. Most states have accepted the restrictive immunity approach.
[多选题]which statements about sovereignty as following are correct?
A. Historically, sovereignty was regarded as appertaining to a particular individual in a state.
B. sovereignty is now regarded as an abstract manifestation of the existence and the power of the state.
C. Every sovereign is equal to and independent of any other sovereign.
D. A sovereign cannot exercise authority over any other sovereign.
[多选题]which statements about recognition of government as following are correct?
A. The recognition of governments will arise when the government in a state changes unconditionally or by violent means.
B. The recognition of government is different from the recognition of a new state.
C. Recognition of governments will occur as an acceptance of realities of the transfer of power and the effective control over the country.
D. Recognition of government will lead to creation of a new personality in international law.
[多选题]which statements about the protective principle of criminal jurisdiction are correct?
A. A state can exercise jurisdiction over offenses committed by non.national outside its territory, which are considered injurious to its security and national interests.
B. The protective principle can easily be abused since states are able to use it as an effective tool to subvert the governments of other states.
C. Nowadays, the protective principle is often applied in cases regarding currency, immigration and economic offenses.
D. A state may claim jurisdiction over an offense that is committed abroad and have affected or will affect its nationals.


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