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发布时间:2023-10-09 04:57:40

[多选题]which statements about the doctrine of non. recognition are correct?
A. The doctrine of non.recognition implies that under certain conditions a factual situation will not be recognized due to moral or legal considerations.
B. 1t is derived from the principal that ·acquisition of territory or special advantages by illegal threat or use of force will not create a title capable of recognition by other states).
C. 1t was advocated by Henry stimson in the 1930s.
D. 1t was formulated under the regime established by the Covenant of the League of Nations of 1919 and the Kellogg.Briand Pact of 1928.

更多"[多选题]which statements about the doc"的相关试题:

[多选题]which statements about the doctrine of uti possidetis in state territory applied by the Third world are correct?
A. The doctrine of uti possidetis has been warmly welcomed by the Third world and newly independent states.
B. Many Latin America and African states adopted the concept of uti possidetis in the solution of boundary disputes.
C. The practice of uti possidetis has effectively reduced the boundary disputes between south American states and prevented the interference of other states.
D. The essence of the principle lies in its primary aims of securing respect for the territory boundaries at the moment when independence is achieved.
[多选题]which statements about the Estrada doctrine are correct?
A. The doctrine was advocated by senor Estrada in 1930.
B. 1t denies the needs for explicit and the formal acts of recognition.
C. Already existing government will no longer accord formal recognition.
D. The approach has been adopted by many states.
[多选题]which statements about de facto and de jure recognition are correct?
A. The recognition de facto is usually regarded as an interim step to recognition de jure.
B. The recognition de jure will be extended when the recognizing states feel certain that the recognized government has been enforcing an effective, stable and permanent control over the country.
C. The de facto and de jure recognition may be extended separately to different regimes in a state.
D. Both de facto and de jure recognition can be withdrawn.
Which statements about territorial integrity are correct?
A. The territorial integrity of states may be one of the most fundamental notions in international protection of sovereign rights of states.
B. The principle of territorial integrity has been laid down in a series of international conventions.
C. The territorial integrity of a sovereign state is to be respected by any other states.
D. 1nternational servitude violates the principle of territorial integrity.
[多选题]which statements about diplomatic protection are correct?
A. A state is not to pursue claims beyond the limit of protection for its own nationals and such diplomatic protection must not be exercised as intervention in the internal affairs of other states.
B. 1t)s the link of nationality between the state and the individuals which alone confers upon the state the right of diplomatic protection.
C. A state is not to provide diplomatic protection for the individual with dual nationality.
D. where there existed a genuine link between the claimant state and its national could the right of diplomatic protection arises.
[多选题]which statements about territorial jurisdiction as following are correct?
A. state officials cannot carry out their functions unless such action on foreign territory is consented by the host state.
B. The municipal courts of a state are capable of trying cases in which foreign factors are involved.
C. on certain occasions states may exercise jurisdiction outside their territory.
D. Certain persons, property and situations are immune from the territorial jurisdiction.
[多选题]which statements about territorial sovereignty as following are correct?
A. Territorial sovereignty has a positive and negative aspect.
B. The positive aspect of territorial sovereignty relates to the exclusivity of the competence of the state regarding its own territory.
C. The negative aspect of territorial sovereignty refers to the obligation to protect the rights of other states.
D. sovereignty in relation to a portion of the surface of the globe is the legal condition necessary for the inclusion of such portion in the territory of any particular
Which statements about regional organizations are correct?
A. They are established by geographically and ideologically related states.
B. They are established by the General Assembly or the security Council.
C. They differ from universal organization in terms of scale, power and capacity.
D. They differ from universal organization in terms of function and legal personality.
[多选题]which statements about internationally wrongful act of a state are correct?
A. Every internationally wrongful act of a state entails the international responsibility of that state.
B. A wrongful act is a conduct consisting of an action or omission which is attributable to the state under international law.
C. A wrongful act is a conduct consisting of a breach of international law obligation of the state.
D. only the wrongful acts of an international person against another are under the supervision and within the jurisdiction of international law.
[多选题]which statements about opinijuris are correct?
A. 1t)s a basic component for an effective customer rule.
B. 1t refers to the distinction between custom and general practice.
C. General practice could be turned into custom by opinijuris.
D. 1t means the belief that the state is legally bound to behave in a particular way.
[多选题]which statements about the nationality principle of criminal jurisdiction are correct?
A. since states possess sovereign rights and jurisdictional powers, they are capable of exercising jurisdiction over nationals.
B. Nationals of a state are obliged to be subject to the jurisdiction of the state.
C. A national who committed crimes, even though such a national is now resident abroad, will be tried for his offense, once he returns within the jurisdiction of the state.
D. states are to respect the legitimate rights of nationals of other states and may not mistreat them within its jurisdiction.
[多选题]which statements about the territorial principal of criminal jurisdiction are correct?
A. According to the territorial principle, a state is capable of exercising jurisdiction over crimes committed within its territory.
B. The territorial principle is an indispensable aspect of the sovereignty exercisable by a state.
C. Persons who are resident within the territory of a state, although temporarily, are to be subject to the jurisdiction of the local courts of the state.
D. 1f a resident person in a state is accused or convicted, he will be sentenced by the local courts of the state, even though he is a foreign citizen.
[多选题]which statements about the Exclusive Economic Zone are correct?
A. The EEZ is an area beyond and adjacent to the territorial sea and is subject to the special legal regime established under the UNCLos1982.
B. The coastal state must expressly claim the right of the EEZ.
C. The EEZ can extend to a maximum up to 200 nautical miles from the baseline.
D. The coastal state acts as a guardian rather than an owner ofthe natural resources of the EEZ.
[多选题]which statements about the effective occupation are correct?
A. An effective occupation must involve two components: an intention to act as sovereign and an adequate display or exercise of sovereignty over the territory.
B. The display or exercise of sovereignty must be fulfilled by some concrete evidence of control.
C. The specific operations may vary so much due to the factual situations of territory.
D. Effective control in a resemble period of time is the essential fact of constituting the legitimate claim to the territory.
[多选题]which statements about conquest of territory are correct?
A. Acquisition through conquest now is merely of historical interest.
B. Territorial acquisition by use of force will not be recognized in international law.
C. Territory was usually ceded from conquered to conqueror under a peace treaty before the First world war.
D. No territorial acquisition resulting from the threat or use of force shall be recognized as legal.
[多选题]which statements about the warsaw Convention 1929 plus the Hague Amendment 1955 for the Convention are correct?
A. They have laid up the liability of civil airline companies for death and injury suffered by passengers.
B. They were created with the purpose of establishing upper limits for liability.
C. They deal with issues of responsibility and insurance for damage to passengers.
D. They deal with the matters of hijacking and other terrorist activities on board aircraft.
[多选题]which statements about prescription are correct?
A. Prescription is a means of acquisition ofterritory which is previously part ofthe territory of a sovereign state.
B. The legality of the title to the territory taken by the mode ofprescription usually remains doubtful.
C. The obtainment of the legitimate title to territory requests on the one hand peaceful and continuous control over the territory and on the other acceptance or acquiescence of other states in such effective control.
D. Concerning the matter of time period necessary for a claim based upon prescription, a reasonable period of possession refers to a period of 50 years.
[多选题]which statements about the international minimum standard of treatment to foreign nationals are correct?
A. western states are always intended to adopt the international minimum standard for the protection of foreign nationals.
B. 1n accordance with the international minimum standard, every state may treat foreign nationals irrespective of treatment to its own nationals, even if its own nationals may be treated in a lower standard by municipal law.
C. The practice of the international minimum standard tends to be used by the developed states as a means of interference in the internal affairs of the Their world states.
D. According to the international minimum standard, foreigners may not claim rights other or more extensive than those of nationals.
[多选题]which statements about extradition are correct?
A. 1t)s such a legal mechanism as that a state surrender to another state offenders who committed against the laws of the requesting state and fleet aboard.
B. Extradition is usually exercised under certain treatise or reciprocity practice.
C. 1t)s an obligation of state to extradite the offenders who have committed international crimes.
D. The rationale behind the law and practice of extradition is a desire not to allow serious crimes to go unpunished.


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