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发布时间:2023-12-19 01:57:25

[单项选择]Which of the following is most acceptable to the candidate
A. Overtime work.
B. Regular work.
C. Work of leadership.
D. Varied work.

更多"Which of the following is most acce"的相关试题:

[单项选择]Which of the following statements most accurately describes the difference between LIBOR and Euribor( )
A. LIBOR is a lending rate, while Euribor is a borrowing rate. 
B. LIBOR is a representative borrowing rate on U. S. dollars, while Euribor is a representative borrowing rate on euros. 
C. LIBOR is a global risk-free rate, while Euribor is a European risk-free rate.
[单项选择]Which of the following relationships most closely parallels the relationship between the proton and the electrons described in the passage
A. A hawk to its prey
B. A blueprint to a framework
C. A planet to its satellites
D. A magnet to iron filings
E. A compound to its elements
[单项选择]Which of the following relationships most accurately describes the inefficiency resulting from government imposed production quotas()
A. Marginal benefit exceeds marginal cost leading to underproduction.
B. Marginal benefit exceeds marginal cost leading to overproduction.
C. Marginal cost exceeds marginal benefit leading to overproduction.
[单项选择]Which of the following choices most accurately illustrates an operating liability and which most accurately illustrates a financing liability Operating liabilities Financing liabilities()
A. Customer advances        Accrued liabilities 
B. Short-term note payable     Current portion of long-term debt
C. Accounts payable        Current portion of long-term debt
[单项选择]Which of the following is most directly associated with secondary capital markets()
A. Source of liquidity.
B. Security underwriting.
C. Shelf registration of securities.
[单项选择]Which of the following is most nearly analogous in its cause and condition to the problems which the author describes as limiting the present success of African- American cinema
A. A rock-and-roll band considers its music unappealing to a mainstream audience, changes to a more palatable sound, and fails anyway.
B. An author decides that he would have a better niche in a fringe literary market, and sells his work there, but with little profit.
C. An artist decides that his oeuvre of paintings is not commercially viable, and resigns himself to make unpopular but artistically dignified work.
D. A marketing executive decides that a product won’t sell, and thus restricts its availability to a certain loyal market.
E. A film actor realizes that he could be more successful working in theater, and though he achieves success, finds he misses his old form
[单项选择]Which of the following is most representative of forward contracts and contingent claims Forward Contracts Contingent Claims()
A. Premium paid at inception         Premium paid at inception 
B. Premium paid at inception         No premium paid at inception 
C. No premium paid at inception        Premium paid at inception
[单项选择]All else equal, which of the following would most likely cause a firm"s price-earnings ratio to decline
A. The level of inflation is expected to decline.
B. The dividend payout ratio increases.
C. The yield on Treasury bills increases.
[单项选择]Which of the following is most likely to be considered a characteristic of an oligopolistic industry()
A. Few barriers to entry.
B. Few economies of scale.
C. A great deal of interdependence among firms.
[单项选择]Which of the following is most likely to occur in the short run if there is an unanticipated decrease in aggregate demand due to a reduction in business and consumer optimism ()
A. An increase in the rate of unemployment.
B. An increase in real GDP.
C. A higher rate of inflation.
[单项选择]Which of the following is most analogous to the fate that the experimental films, described above, have received as a result of their association with Eisenstein’s work
A. A lesser-known author is discovered to have influenced a more famous one, and his works are rescued from anonymity.
B. An experimental artistic tradition falls into decline as a result of its practitioners adopting the idiom of a more popular one.
C. A popular composer’s oeuvre is held up as the epitome of the genre, so that music critics praise his pupil’s work without bothering to listen to it.
D. The interest in an archeological method diminishes over time, largely out of the failure of its inventor to generate new results.
E. A painter rebels against the advice of her teacher, after critics observe that her own work is indistinguishable from his.
[单项选择]Which of the following is most likely to concern an investor evaluating a corporation’s shareowner rights provisions()
A. Shareowners may nominate board members.
B. Shares held by the founding family have supernormal voting rights.
C. To ensure accuracy, company executives tabulate and verify shareowner voting.
[单项选择]Which of the following will most likely lead to cost-push inflation()
A. A decrease in the cost of financing.
B. An increase in the prices of raw materials.
C. A technology change that lowers production costs.
[单项选择]Which of the following most accurately describes why firms under monopolistic competition face elastic demand for their products()
A. High barriers to entry.
B. The availability of many complementary goods.
C. The availability of many close substitutes.
[单项选择]Which of the following most accurately describes the Monetarist school of macroeconomic thought in relation to aggregate demand and aggregate supply Monetarists believe that the money supply should be:()
A. Increased during inflationary periods and reduced during recessionary periods.
B. Increased by a constant rate annually.
C. Reduced during inflationary periods and increased during recessionary periods.
[单项选择]Which of the following most logically completes the argument
Virtually all respondents to a recent voter survey reported allegiance to one of the two major political parties. But over a third of the voters from each party reported being so disenchanted with the governing philosophies of both parties that they might join a third major party if one were formed. Even if this poll reflects general voter sentiment, however, there is no chance that a new party could attract a third of all voters, since______.
A. the current level of disenchantment with the governing philosophies of the two major parties is unprecedented
B. the disenchanted members of the two major parties are attracted to very different governing philosophies
C. most respondents overestimated the proportion of voters disenchanted with both parties, saving that the proportion was more than 50 percent
D. nearly half of all respondents reported that they would be more likely to cease voting altogether than to switch their party affiliation
E. (E) any new party would be likely to inspire citizens who have not voted before to join and to become regular voters


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