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发布时间:2023-10-23 02:31:45

[单项选择]Which of the following is most analogous to the fate that the experimental films, described above, have received as a result of their association with Eisenstein’s work
A. A lesser-known author is discovered to have influenced a more famous one, and his works are rescued from anonymity.
B. An experimental artistic tradition falls into decline as a result of its practitioners adopting the idiom of a more popular one.
C. A popular composer’s oeuvre is held up as the epitome of the genre, so that music critics praise his pupil’s work without bothering to listen to it.
D. The interest in an archeological method diminishes over time, largely out of the failure of its inventor to generate new results.
E. A painter rebels against the advice of her teacher, after critics observe that her own work is indistinguishable from his.

更多"Which of the following is most anal"的相关试题:

[单项选择]Which of the following would be most analogous to the process of dampening oscillations described in the paragraph
A. During a rainstorm, water rises to the level of a sewer drain, siphoning off and thus remaining at constant level.
B. A rubber ball which bounces off the ground multiple times, than gradually comes to rest.
C. A meteor hurtles through space indefinitely, due to the laws of inertia.
D. A clothing iron is left on, then becomes so hot that it catches on fire, burning its own cord and destroying its power source.
E. A baseball pitcher knows he tends to through to the left of home plate, and then in trying to throw to the right, overcorrects.
[单项选择]Which of the following statements is most compatible with the principles embodied in Plessy v. Ferguson as described in the passage
A. Internal separation of whites and blacks within a given school is unconstitutional.
B. Whites and blacks may be educated in separate schools so long as they offer comparable facilities.
C. The maintenance of separate professional schools for blacks and whites is unconstitutional.
D. The separate-but-equal doctrine is inapplicable to the realm of private education.
E. Blacks may be educated in schools with whites whenever the blacks and whites have equal institutions.
[单项选择]Which of the following countries grow most rapidly in mobile phone market according to Patricia Michael
A. Developing countries.
B. Developed countries.
C. African countries.
D. American countries.
[单项选择]Which of the following makes the most appropriate title for the passage
A. Cold-War Policies and the Tourism Industry
B. The Characteristics of Political Tourism
C. The Rise of Political Tourism
D. The Latest Developments of Political Tourism
[单项选择]Which of the following positions is most appropriate for a neonate with congenital hip dislocation()
A. Semi-Fowler’s with both legs flexed.
B. Legs adducted with head elevated.
C. Swaddled in a baby carrier.
D. Prone position with hips abducted.
[单项选择]Which of the following situations is most closely analogous to the situation described by the author as a tremendous irony
A. That of restaurant customers whose food has not arrived because the manager forgot to oversee its preparation.
B. That of a highway maintenance crew who cannot reach a pothole they must fix because the highway is congested with traffic from the pothole.
C. That of a man who saves his excess income in a bank account, only to find out the bank has charged fees so high that he has less money than when he began.
D. That of an unknown artist who dies just weeks before being recognized in an exhibition.
E. That of scientists trying to find a means of traveling at the speed of light, but find that their innovations can only asymptotically approach the speed, but never reach it.
[单项选择]Which of the following constraints would most likely appear in the unique needs and preferences section of a trust’s investment policy statement (IPS) The portfolio is:()
A. subject to the prudent-man standard.
B. prohibited from investing in tobacoo companies.
C. prohibited from holding less than 5% in cash instruments.
[单项选择]Which of the following distribution is most likely a discrete distribution()
A. A normal distribution.
B. A binomial distribution.
C. A univariate distribution.
[单项选择]Which of the following statements would most logically conclude the last paragraph of the passage
A. All human activity is ultimately a product of the organization of our brains, and subject to its laws.
B. In art, something must always be left over for the imagination to perform.
C. Art has been a creative refuge for other unsatisfied ideals created by the brain through its abstractive process.
D. The future branch of aesthetics will study the neural basis of artistic creativity and achievement.
E. Art’s richness lies in the fact that its power to disturb and arouse varies between individuals.
[单项选择]Which of the following countries is most affected with dyslexia according to the passage
A. C.U.S.
B. D.U.
[单项选择]Which of the following statements is most correct concerning a member’s obligation to his or her employer under the Code and Standards()
A. Consent from the employer is necessary to permit independent practice that could result in compensation or other benefits in competition with the member’s employer.
B. Members are prohibited from making arrangements or preparations to go into competitive business before terminating their relationship with their employer.
C. Members are prohibited from undertaking independent practice in competition with their employer.
[单项选择]Which of the following statements is most accurate, assuming stable inventory quantities In a period of:()
A. falling prices, FIFO results in higher COGS and higher taxes.  
B. rising prices, LIFO results in higher cash flows and higher net income.  
C. rising prices, FIFO results in higher taxes, lower cash flows and higher working capital while LIFO results in higher COGS and lower inventory balances.
[单项选择]Which of the following situations will most likely require a company to record a valuation allowance on its balance sheet()
A. To report depreciation, a firm uses the double-declining balance method for tax purposes and the straight-line method for financial reporting purposes. 
B. A firm with deferred tax assets expects an increase in the tax rate. 
C. A firm is unlikely to have future taxable income that would enable it to take advantage of deferred tax assets.


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