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发布时间:2023-12-15 03:29:01

[单项选择]Which of the following most accurately describes the Monetarist school of macroeconomic thought in relation to aggregate demand and aggregate supply Monetarists believe that the money supply should be:()
A. Increased during inflationary periods and reduced during recessionary periods.
B. Increased by a constant rate annually.
C. Reduced during inflationary periods and increased during recessionary periods.

更多"Which of the following most accurat"的相关试题:

[单项选择]Which of the following most accurately describes the impact of a price ceiling set below the equilibrium price for a good and a minimum wage set above the equilibrium wage Price ceiling Minimum wage ()①A. Shortage Decreased unemployment ②B. Surplus Increased unemployment ③C. Shortage Increased unemployment
A. ①
B. ②
C. ③
[单项选择]Which of the following most accurately describes why firms under monopolistic competition face elastic demand for their products()
A. High barriers to entry.
B. The availability of many complementary goods.
C. The availability of many close substitutes.
[单项选择]Which of the following most accurately describes elasticity of supply Elasticity of supply is the percentage change in the quantity supplied divided by the percentage change in:()
A. price and it equals zero when supply is perfectly elastic.
B. price and it equals zero when supply is perfectly inelastic.
C. quantity demanded and it equals infinity when supply is perfectly inelastic.
[单项选择]Which of the following most accurately describes society’s allocation of resources to the production of goods with external costs or external benefits External costs External benefits() ①A. Over-allocation Over-allocation ②B. Under-allocation Under-allocation ③C. Over-allocation Under-allocation
A. ①
B. ②
C. ③
[单项选择]Which of the following statements most accurately describes the difference between LIBOR and Euribor( )
A. LIBOR is a lending rate, while Euribor is a borrowing rate. 
B. LIBOR is a representative borrowing rate on U. S. dollars, while Euribor is a representative borrowing rate on euros. 
C. LIBOR is a global risk-free rate, while Euribor is a European risk-free rate.
[单项选择]Which of the following choices most accurately illustrates an operating liability and which most accurately illustrates a financing liability Operating liabilities Financing liabilities()
A. Customer advances        Accrued liabilities 
B. Short-term note payable     Current portion of long-term debt
C. Accounts payable        Current portion of long-term debt
[单项选择]Which of the following statements best describes the condition of the passengers
A. No one was fatally injured.
B. There were many heavy casualties.
C. No one was hurt during the accident.
D. Someone was killed during the accident.
[单项选择]The author would most likely agree with which of the following descriptions of the conflict between Darwinists and cultural anthropologists over the nature of animal emotions
A. The concept of animal emotions suggests that human emotions are based on instinctual biology.
B. Cultural relativists dispute the notion that animal emotions are innate and not be learned.
C. Darwinists view the events of the twentieth-century as a triumph of animal instinct over rational human behavior.
D. Darwinists wish to draw a line between emotional behavior and culturally acquired behavior.
E. Cultural relativists support the idea of an animal behavior dictated by behavioral rules.


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