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发布时间:2023-11-02 03:25:15

[简答题]【讲课要点】:low price对于demands of product的positive and negative effects。 1. 可以raise demand。以soft drink为例,如果市场上的soft drink原本都是一个价,有一个公司降价了,那人们就倾向于买这个公司的产品,从而需求增加了。 2. 但是low price也可能减少demand。对于high-tech产品,比如电脑,如果价格较低,人们就会觉得质量有问题,所以不愿意购买,需求减少。

更多"【讲课要点】:low price对于demands of produc"的相关试题:

[简答题] 【讲课要点】:人们通常认为动物的playing就是简单地玩。但实际上playing对young animals是很重要的。2个好处:好处1、玩耍可以让小动物learn to catch thing / food:举例:小燕子swallow把自己的羽毛吹向天空,然后在羽毛落地之前,用嘴叼住。做这样的动作,可以锻炼它们长大后捕捉flying insect in the air的能力。好处2、玩耍可以锻炼develop小动物的muscle strength和协调性coordination skill,以获得to escape from predator的能力。举例:小monkey在枝头chase fast,而且不能slip或者落后,锻炼它们的肌肉力量和协调性,这样长大了才能逃脱追杀survive。
[简答题]Task 6 【讲课要点】:关于 advertiser做广告 吸引顾客,有两种方法:方法1、有一类消费者喜欢看产品或者服务的 image,所以要把产品画得好看。例如:要在beach那里加个sunset,这类消费者就特有意境,会被吸引。方法2 、另一类消费者喜欢看产品的words,对于这类消费者,要将使用后的效果描述出来discription,以获得这类 消费者的信任。
[简答题]Task 4 【讲课要点】:是动物如何用假信号,化学信号吸引捕捉其它动物。举例是蜘蛛 术语是 false signal, spider release a chemical to mimic the female moth. male moth follows the scent released by spider, and then trapped on the spider’s net
[简答题]Discussion about cosmetics low price of the product priority
[填空题]A travel package has such advantage as low price.

[单项选择]My mother bought that coat ( ) a low price.
A. at
B. in
C. on
D. with
[单项选择]A. He got the camera at a very low price. B. The camera is very expensive.
C. The camera is worth nothing. D. He does not like the camera.
[单项选择]A particular product's price elasticity of demand is less than one. If the firm producing the product wants to increase its total revenue, the firm should most likely:()
A. decrease the price of the product.
B. keep the price of the product unchanged.
C. increase the price of the product.
[单项选择]That product that you bought at the lower price is ()the one that we sell at a slightly higher price.
A. inferior to
B. more inferior than
C. inferior to
D. inferior than
[单项选择]Issues of price, place, promotion, and product are()conventional concerns in planning marketing strategies.
A. these of the most
B. most of those
C. among the most
D. among the many of
A. 选择成交法
B. 局部成交法
C. 假定成交法
D. 让步成交法
[单项选择]If the price of your product is all right, we shall( )an order with you.
A. make
B. send
C. place
D. forward
[多项选择]对于接受抗结核药物治疗的病人,健康教育的要点有( )。
A. 保证充足的睡眠
B. 不得随意减药和加药
C. 肾切除术后要坚持服药6个月以上
D. 症状好转后即可停药
E. 定期复查
A. 角膜知觉是否减退
B. 病变的表面是否粗糙有无光泽
C. 病变的境界是否清楚
D. 有无刺激症状
E. 有无睫状充血
[多项选择]售楼处包装和展示过程中,对于洽谈区展示的技术要点有( )。
A. 能够形成相对安静私密的空间
B. 预留足够的人流停驻空间
C. 保持灯光的适度柔和
D. 洽谈区整体空间适中
E. 有足够的集中照明


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