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发布时间:2023-12-23 04:35:44

[多项选择]______, I got the job-probably because, as a woman, I was cheaper.
A. Surprisingly
B. Obviously
C. As a result
D. Therefore

更多"______, I got the job-probably beca"的相关试题:

[单项选择]Woman: I hear you've got the highest marks in our class. Congratulations!
Man: Thank you. I'm sure you've also done a good job.
Question: Who are the speakers
A. Two teachers.
B. A student and a teacher.
C. Two students.
D. Mother and son.
[单项选择]I got up early but I ( ) so, because I had no work to do that morning.
A. didn't need to do
B. didn't have to do
C. needn't have done
D. hadn't got to do
[单项选择]I tried to relax because I knew I would use up my oxygen sooner, ______.

A. the more excited I got
B. I got excited more
C. and more I got excited
D. and I got more excited
[单项选择]Woman: I ’m clueless and, quite frankly, I’m getting worried about the future. Man: We’re all in the same boat. Leaving school’s a big step. Question: What’s the issue they are facing now
A. Graduation examination.
B. Traveling expenses.
C. Career choices
D. Personal finance.
[单项选择]Woman: I turned my application in on Friday evening.
Man: If I were you, I'd have it done sooner. The job pays very well.
Question: What does the man think about the application
A. She should give it to him.
B. She should hand it in before Friday evening.
C. It is not very important-looking.
D. He will help her with it soon.
[单项选择]Woman: I'm upset. You told my boss I had a part-time job
Man: I am sorry. I couldn't help it.
Question: What does the man mean
[单项选择]The ex-husbands are pitiful because they have got no wives to sympathize with them.
[单项选择]I am ______ of that woman—I think she may have stolen something from our shop.

A. innocent
B. superstitious
C. elegant
D. suspicious
[单项选择]Woman: I think the Internet is more of a distraction than a benefit to students.
Man: That's true. ______
[单项选择]Man: Is the freeway always this deserted
Woman: It's the middle of the day. Everyone is at work.
Question: What does the woman imply
[单项选择]Woman: I can’t forgive myself for that terrible mistake I have made. Man: Well, don’t be too hard on yourself. It happens to the best of us. Question: What does the man mean
A. The man should not be forgiven.
B. Smart people make few mistakes
C. The mistake is not serious
D. The man needn’t feel that
[单项选择]Woman: I hear that our boss donated a lot of money to the No. 3 Middle School.
Man: A lot of money That's only a drop in the bucket. The sum of money he gave is only chickenfeed.
Question: What does the man mean
[单项选择]Woman: I want to try something in the project. What's your opinion
Man: Well, I prefer to go by the book. At least it is safer, isn't it
Question: What does the man suggest
A. Strictly obeying the established rules.
B. Trying something new from the book.
C. Testing a new but safer method.
D. Learning a new method through practice

Woman: I’ve just been reading through your last project report.
Man: I hope you didn’t find much wrong in it.( )

A. On the contrary
B. On the other hand
C. Don't forget
D. Don't be silly
[单项选择]Woman: I'd like really to go to the concert tonight, but I don't know if I can spare the time.
Man: Music always relaxes me. It might be worth it in the long run.
Question: What does the man suggest the woman do
A. Check her Calendar.
B. Go to the concert with him.
C. Get some exercise.
D. Attend the performanc
[单项选择]Woman: I don't think we should have told Allen about the surprise party for Sue.
Man: It's all right. He doesn't make promises lightly, and he promised not to tell.
Question: What does the man mean
[单项选择]Woman: I'm looking for a lightweight jacket,navy blue,medium…
Man: Let's see. Have you checked the sales rack in the back There were still a few there yesterday.
Question: What does the man mean
[单项选择]Woman: I haven't seen such a fantastic movie for ages. Don't you enjoy k
Man: I have to admit that I slept through it.
Question: How did the man like the movie


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