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发布时间:2023-11-18 18:10:48

[单项选择]Man: Is the freeway always this deserted
Woman: It's the middle of the day. Everyone is at work.
Question: What does the woman imply

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[单项选择]Man: Is the freeway always this deserted
Woman: It's the middle of the day. Everyone is at work.
Question: What does the woman imply

Man: There is a new movie on tonight.
Woman: I have to get up early tomorrow.
The logical relation the above sentences exhibit is ().

A. coherence
B. cohesion
C. connection
D. conduction
[单项选择]Woman: I haven't seen John for some time now.Man: He had an accident. I told him not to drive on like that.Question: What does the man think of John's driving
A. John always drives recklessly.
B. John always drives cautiously.
C. John always drives carefully.
D. John always drives after excessive drinking.
[单项选择]Man: I have to call an ambulance immediately.
Woman: What's up
Question: What does the woman want to know
A. Why does the man want to be hospitalized
B. Why does the man need an ambulance
C. Which ambulance does the man need to get
D. What makes the man feel so nervous
[单项选择]Man: May I see your driving license, please
Woman: ______
[单项选择]Woman. What do you think of the idea
Man: I couldn't come up with a better one.
Question: What does the man mean
[单项选择]Man: Are you ready to go jogging Woman: Almost, I have to warm up first. Question: What does the woman mean
[单项选择]Man: Peter looks very upset recently.Woman: Yes. I think that he has a hard enough job to make ends meet.Question: What does the woman mean
A. It is very hard for Peter to meet the ends of the job.
B. It is very difficult for Peter to keep away from financial problems.
C. It is not easy for Peter to finish his difficult job.
D. It is not difficult for Peter to complete the job.
[单项选择]Woman: What seems to be the problem
Man: Well, I understand the lectures, but I get mixed up when I try to read the book.
Question: What does the man mean
A. He is doing well in the class.
B. The book is confusing.
C. The lecture is not very clear.
D. The lectures are from the book.
[单项选择]Woman: I ’m clueless and, quite frankly, I’m getting worried about the future. Man: We’re all in the same boat. Leaving school’s a big step. Question: What’s the issue they are facing now
A. Graduation examination.
B. Traveling expenses.
C. Career choices
D. Personal finance.
[单项选择]Man: Hey, I heard you bought a parrot.
Woman: That's right. Now if I could only get it to talk.
Question: What does the woman want to do
A. Teach the parrot to talk.
B. Talk to the parrot.
C. Buy a parrot.
D. Find someone to care for her parrot.


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