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发布时间:2023-12-08 03:35:26

[单项选择]Woman: I haven't seen such a fantastic movie for ages. Don't you enjoy k
Man: I have to admit that I slept through it.
Question: How did the man like the movie

更多"Woman: I haven't seen such a fantas"的相关试题:

[单项选择]Woman: I haven't seen such a fantastic movie for ages. Don't you enjoy k
Man: I have to admit that I slept through it.
Question: How did the man like the movie
[单项选择]Woman: I haven't seen John for some time now.
Man: He had an accident. I told him not to drive on like that.
Question: What does the man think of John's driving
A. John always drives recklessly.
B. John always drives cautiously.
C. John always drives carefully.
D. John always drives after excessive drinkin
[单项选择]—Have you seen Jack and John
—I haven't seen ______ of them.
A. neither
B. any
C. either
D. all
[单项选择]I haven't seen you since you came back from holiday. ( ) a nice time
A. Do you have
B. Did you have
C. Have you had
D. Had you had
[单项选择]I haven't seen her for 30 years, but I recognized her ( )
A. the moment I saw her
B. for the moment I saw her
C. at the moment I saw her
D. the moment when I saw her
[单项选择]I haven’t seen my neighbors for over a week. They _________ on a trip abroad.

A. may go
B. may have gone
C. must go
D. ought to go
[单项选择]Woman: Have you seen Kelly around We were supposed to have lunch.
Man: Well, her bag is here on the chair.
Q: What does the man imply about Kelly
[单项选择]I haven't seen Sara since she was a little girl, and she has changed beyond()
A. hearing
B. strength
C. recognition
D. measure
[多项选择]Merv: Are these your sons, Jean I haven't seen them for ages. Jean: Yes, that photo was taken a few months ago. Merv: John hasn't changed a bit. He's the very image of his father, isn't he Jean: Yes, he is. ______ That's for sure.
A. He takes up with his father.
B. He really likes his father.
C. He looks after his father.
D. He takes after his father.
[单项选择]I haven't seen Diana these past few days. I am afraid she ______ herself for some time.
[单项选择]Katherine: Linda! I haven't seen you for ages. How are you
Linda: Fine. And you
Katherine: Pretty good. How's Frank
Linda: Oh, don't you know We got divorced two years ago.
Katherine: ______.


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