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发布时间:2024-02-09 20:15:54

[单项选择]Woman: What seems to be the problem
Man: Well, I understand the lectures, but I get mixed up when I try to read the book.
Question: What does the man mean
A. He is doing well in the class.
B. The book is confusing.
C. The lecture is not very clear.
D. The lectures are from the book.

更多"Woman: What seems to be the problem"的相关试题:

[单项选择]What seems to surprise the man about the new product

A. Its variety of colors.
B. Its unusual texture.
C. The way it is sold.
D. Its main ingredient.
[单项选择]What was the woman's problem

A. She felt embarrassed in class.
B. Her presentation received a poor grade.
C. She had not completed her assignment.
D. She was unable to attend her psychology class.
[单项选择]What problem does the woman have ?()
A. She doesn't want to pay the late fee.
B. She was given incorrect information.
C. She can't afford to pay her tuition.
D. She didn't pass her mathematics class last semester.
[单项选择]What was the problem with the woman's car

A. It could not be started.
B. It got overheated at a low speed.
C. The engine could not be cooled down.
D. The engine was too noisy.
[单项选择]It seems that the man is most likely a______man.

A. thin
B. fleshy
C. slender
D. delicate
[单项选择]Doctor: What seems to be the matter
Patient: Well, my heartbeat is fast and I have trouble breathing recently.
Doctor: ______ Your weight is giving much burden on your heart.
[单项选择]Man: What's the noise upstairs
Woman: It seems they're wrestling.
Man: ______
[单项选择]Man: What's the noise upstairs
Woman: It seems they're wrestling.
Man: ______
[单项选择]What may man find in the future
A. There will be no place the same as our Earth.
B. There will be many places, better than our Earth.
C. There will be some planets which may be suitable for our human being to live.
D. There will be a planet for man to be used as home in the near futur
[单项选择]Man: What's the noise upstairs
Woman: It seems they' re wrestling.
[单项选择]Man: What's the noise upstairs
Woman: It seems they're wrestling.
[单项选择]What is man's intelligence decided by

A. A large brain.
B. A small brain.
C. The environment.
D. Not precisely mentioned here
[单项选择]According to the passage, what does man care most among the following

A. Clean air.
B. Health.
C. Industry.
D. The future of the children


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