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发布时间:2023-11-20 22:56:08

[单项选择]Man: Are you ready to go jogging Woman: Almost, I have to warm up first. Question: What does the woman mean

更多"Man: Are you ready to go jogging W"的相关试题:

[单项选择]Man: Are you ready to go jogging
Woman: Almost, I have to warm up first.
Question: What does the woman mean
[单项选择]Man: When could you go over the test Woman: Now's as good a time as any. Question: What does the woman mean
[单项选择]Woman: Where do you plan to go for dinner Man: I was thinking of going to Joe’s. It’s a stone’s throw away. Besides, the environment is good. Question: What can we learn about Joe’s
A. It’s not expensive.
B. It’s not far from here.
C. It’s an interesting place.
D. It’s known for its specialty.
[单项选择]Woman: You are burning the candle at both ends.Man: But I haven't saved enough for my retirement.Woman: What do you live for Today or tomorrowQuestion: What does the woman imply
[单项选择]Woman: You were late again this morning.Man: So whatQuestion: How does the man react to the woman's blame
A. He felt sorry for being late.
B. He did not admit he was late.
C. He got nervous for being late.
D. He did not care about being late.
[单项选择]Man: I hate to attend the history class.Woman: You make it sound like prison. What's wrong with itMan: It seems like the teacher never tells us what we really need to know.Question: Why does the man hate to go to his history class
A. He hates the teacher of history.
B. The class is like a prison.
C. The teacher always talks something irrelevant.
D. The teacher is very strict with his students.
[单项选择]Man: David really has an eye for beauty.Woman: You can say that again.Question: What does the woman mean
A. David has good eyesight.
B. She agrees with the man.
C. The man should praise David more.
D. The man has said too much about David.
[单项选择]Woman:Have you finished the packaging? Man :____________ Woman:Good.Because the truck will be coming soon,this is a rush job.
[单项选择]Woman: Are you prepared for the exam tomorrow
Man: Oh, yeah, the exam will be a piece of cake.
Question: What does the man mean
[单项选择]Woman: Do you want the windows open or closed
Man: I almost always prefer fresh air, if possible.
Question: What does the man imply
[单项选择]Woman: Are you up for a crossword puzzle game
Man: I tried it before. It's way over my head.
Question: What does the man mean
[单项选择]Woman: Would you like to go and see the new exhibit with us
Man: That is the last thing in the world I ever want to do.
Question: What does the man mean
[单项选择]Woman: Did you think it was a good play Man: What I didn't understand was the very beginning. Question: What does the man mean
[单项选择]Woman: Are you Mr. Brown, the hotel manager Man: ______
[单项选择]Man: Can you come over for dinner tonight
Woman: I'm up to my ears in work, so I'll have to take a rain check.
Question: What does the woman mean
[单项选择]Woman: Thank you very much for your help. Man: ______.
[单项选择]where does the woman have to go at 12:30

A. To school.
B. To the dentist.
C. To the science museum.
D. To the playground.


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