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发布时间:2024-03-23 22:28:04

[单选题]--I've got something weighing on my mind. Could you give me some advice? -- __________ . Tell me all about it and I 'll do what I can.
A.Don't mention it
B.No way
C.No problem
D.Forget it

更多"[单选题]--I've got something weighing "的相关试题:

[单选题]Make sure you've got the passports and tickets and ___________ before you leave.
[单选题]I've lost my interest(  )physics.
[不定项选择题]I've loved my mother's desk since I was just tall enough to see above the top of it as mother sat writing letters. Standing by her chair, looking at the ink bottle, pens, and white paper, I decided that the act of writing must be the more wonderful thing in the world. Years later, during her final illness, mother kept different things for my sister and brother."But the desk," she'd said again, "it's for Elizaheth." I never saw her angry, never saw her cry. I knew she loved me; she showed it in acdou. But as a young girl, I wanted heart-to-heart talks between mother and daughter. They never happened.And a gulf opened between us. I was "too emotional". But she lived "on the surface". As years passed I had my own family. I loved my mother and thanked her for our happy family. I wrote to her in careful words and asked her to let me know in any way she ebose that she did forgive me. I posted the letter and waited for her answer. None came. My hope turned to disappointment, then little interest and, finally, peace-it seemed that nothing happened. I couldn't be sure that the letter had even got to mother. I only knew that I had written it, and l could stop trying to make her into someone she was not. Now the present of her desk told, as she'd never been able to, that she was pleased that writing was my chosen work. I cleaned the desk carefully and found some papers inside--a photo of my father and a one-page letter, folded and refolded many times. Give me an answer, my letter asks, in any way you choose. Mother, you always chose the act that speaks louder than words. What did mother do with her daughter's letter asking forgiveness?
A.She had never received the letter.
B.For years, she often talked about the letter.
C.She didn't forgive her daughter at all in all her life.
D.She read the letter again and again till she died.
[单选题]--Now that I've finished my exams, I'm going to relax and go to a movie tonight. --__________ I've still got two finals to take.
A.Good luck to you!
B.Lucky you!
C.So far, so good!
D.Mind your own business!
[单选题]请阅读短文,完成此题。 We've got it all wrong, says Carlos Slim, the Mexican telecoms tycoon and world's second-richest man: we should be working only three days a week. Attending a business conference inParaguay, Mr. Slim said it was time for a"radical overhaul" of people's working lives. Instead of being able to retire at 50 or 60, he says, we should work until we are older--but take more time off as we do so. "People are going to have to work for more years, until they are 70 or 75, and just work three days a week--perhaps 11 hours a day," he told the conference, according to Paraguay.com newsagency. "With three work days a week, we would have more time to relax for quality of life. Havingfour days(off) would be very important to generate new entertainment activities and other ways ofbeing occupied." The 74-year-old self-made magnate believes that such a move would generate a healthier and more productive labour force, while tackling financial challenges linked to longevity.He is putting his money where his mouth is. In his Tehnex fixed-line phone company in Mexico,where workers on a collective labour contract who joined the company in their late teens areeligible to retire before they are 50, he has instituted a voluntary scheme allowing such workers tokeep working, on full pay, but they only need to work four days a week. Mr. Slim stunned the Mexican business world this month with plans to break up his Am6ricaM6vil empire, selling about a fifth of its assets, in order to avoid regulatory sanctions. Hiscompanies dominate 80 per cent of the fixed-line and 70 per cent of the mobile markets inMexico--above a new 50 per cent threshold. The magnate is a keen strategist and philanthropist,who has often said what he likes to do best is to think. He has cultivated interests outside thecorporate world: his passion for Rodin sculpture and art collecting is evident in the Soumaya museum in Mexico City dedicated to his late wife. Another of his deep-held beliefs is that education should be rethought. He told the conference in Paraguay that it should "not be boring, but should be fun" and should teach people "not to memorize but to reason; not to domesticate but to train". He also called for more vocationaltraining. Mr. Slim, who is at the age of 74 already, meanwhile, appears to have no plans to retire. "Look at who he respects: the (Mexican) banker Manuel Espinosa Yglesias was something of amentor, and he was still working in his late 80s," said Andrew Paxman, a British historian who iswriting a book about Mr. Slim. The best title of the passage may be 查看材料
A.Carlos Slim Calls for a Three-day Working Week
B.People Favour a Three-day Working Week
C.Working Three Days a Week Is with Advantages
D.Working Three Days a Week Will Be Implemented
[单选题]Tony, you’ve got a fever. You_______ that cold shower last night. A.might not have
A.could have haD
B.hadn’t have
C.shouldn’t have ha
[不定项选择题]根据下列内容,回答186-190题。 I've loved my mother's desk since I was just tall enough to see above the top of it as mothersat writing letters. Standing by her chair, looking at the ink bottle, pens, and white paper, I de-cided that the act of writing must be the more wonderful thing in the world. Years later, during herfinal illness, mother kept different things for my sister and brother."But the desk," she'd said a-gain, "it's for Elizabeth." I never saw her angry, never saw her cry. I knew she loved me; she showed it in action. Butas a young girl, I wanted heart-to-heart talks between mother and daughter. They never happened. And a gulf opened between us. I was "too emotional". But she lived "on the surface". As years passed I had my own family. I loved my mother and thanked her for our happy fami-ly. I wrote to her in careful words and asked her to let me know in any way she chose that she didforgive me. I posted the letter and waited for her answer. None came. My hope turned to disap-pointment, then little interest and, finally, peace--it seemed that nothing happened. I couldn't besure that the letter had even got to mother. I only knew that I had written it, and ! could stop try-ing to make her into someone she was not. Now the present of her desk told, as she'd never been able to, that she was pleased thatwriting was my chosen work. I cleaned the desk carefully and found some papers inside--a photoof my father and a one-page letter, folded and refolded many times. Give me an answer, my letterasks, in any way you choose. Mother, you always chose the act that speaks louder than words. The writer began to love her mother's desk__________.
A.after mother died
B.before she became a writer
C.when she was a child
D.when mother gave it to her
[单选题]I've tried very" hard to improve my English. But by no means__________with my progress.
A.the teacher is not satisfied
B.is the teacher not satisfied
C.the teacher is satisfied
D.is the teacher satisfied


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