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发布时间:2023-11-15 16:28:23

[多选题]Which statements about cession of territory are correct?
A. Cession of territory involves a transfer of sovereignty from one authority to another usually as a result of the conclusion of peace treaties.
B. In contemporary international law, only voluntary cession of territory may be legal.
C. The acquiring state can enjoy the rights over the land acquired through cession no more than those possessed by the predecessor.
D. Cession may arise in such circumstances as land purchase or exchange of land.

更多"[多选题]Which statements about cession"的相关试题:

[多选题]Which statements about conquest of territory are correct?
A. Acquisition through conquest now is merely of historical interest.
B. Territorial acquisition by use of force will not be recognized in international law.
C. Territory was usually ceded from conquered to conqueror under a peace treaty before the First World War.
D. No territorial acquisition resulting from the threat or use of force shall be recognized as legal.
Which statements about territory as following are correct?
A. State sovereignty is firmly founded upon the fact of territory.
B. A state enjoys and exercise its sovereignty over its territory to the exclusion of other states.
C. A political entity cannot be considered as a state without territory.
D. The principle of respect for territorial integrity of states has been one of the most fundamental principles of international law.
[多选题]Which statements about accretion of territory are correct?
A. It refers to the physical change of the territory of a state by the enlargement of land.
B. It refers to the artificial change of the territory of a state such as constitution of artificial island or other installation.
C. New land emerging within the territory of a state will undoubtedly constitute a part of the territory of the state.
D. Artificial Island constructed by a state in the high seas will undoubtedly consistent a part of the territory of the state.
[多选题]Which statements about the Liability Convention are correct?
A. The Convention provides for the peaceful exploration and use of the moon and other celestial bodies.
B. The Convention sets out the legal framework for the provision of emergency assistance to astronauts.
C. The Convention deals with the responsibility for the damage caused by space objects of a contracting state to the treaty to other parties.
D. The Convention provides that the payment of compensation for the damage is required in accordance with international law.
[多选题]Which statements about the unauthorized aerial intrusion are correct?
A. Every state should respect the territorial sovereignty, including the sovereignty of the airspace of any other state.
B. The unauthorized aerial intrusion of a state’s territory is considered as directly infringing the territorial sovereignty of that state.
C. International law recognizes the use of force by the intruded state against the intruding aircraft without warning.
D. The intruded state has the right to require a civilian airplane to land at a designated airport if it is flying over its territory without authority.
[单选题]Which statements about the Contiguous Zone are correct?
A. States may claim contiguous zones up to a maximum of 12 nautical miles from baseline.
B. States may claim contiguous zones up to a maximum of 24 kilometers from baseline.
C. States may only exercise restricted jurisdiction over contiguous zones.
D. Contiguous zones constitute part of the territorial sea.
[多选题]Which statements about withdrawal of recognition are correct?
A. In certain situations, recognition de facto has ever accorded by a state can be withdrawn.
B. Withdraw of recognition is usually found in the situation where a de facto government of a state losses its effective control over the state.
C. The ever-recognizing state may withdraw the recognition de facto to the recognized government.
D. The de jure recognition of a government may be revoked by a recognizing state only where the new regime comes to power and the previous government is not in existence.
[多选题]Which statements about the international minimum standard of treatment to foreign nationals are correct?
A. Western states are always intended to adopt the international minimum standard for the protection of foreign nationals.
B. In accordance with the international minimum standard, every state may treat foreign nationals irrespective of treatment to its own nationals, even if its own nationals may be treated in a lower standard by municipal law.
C. The practice of the international minimum standard tends to be used by the developed states as a means of interference in the internal affairs of the Their World states.
D. According to the international minimum standard, foreigners may not claim rights other or more extensive than those of nationals.
[多选题]Which statements about extradition are correct?
A. It’s such a legal mechanism as that a state surrender to another state offenders who committed against the laws of the requesting state and fleet aboard.
B. Extradition is usually exercised under certain treatise or reciprocity practice.
C. It’s an obligation of state to extradite or prosecute the offenders who have committed international crimes.
D. The rationale behind the law and practice of extradition is a desire not to allow serious crimes to go unpunished.
[多选题]Which statements about the incidental jurisdiction of the ICJ are correct?
A. Preliminary objections as to whether or not the Court has the jurisdiction are to be considered by the Court before it deals with the merits of the case.
B. A decision by the Court on preliminary objections to jurisdiction cannot determine merits issues.
C. Applications to intervene can be made by a third party if it believes that it has an interest of a legal nature which may be affected by the decision in the case.
D. Although a third party is permitted to intervene, it cannot become a party to the proceedings and thus will not be bound by the judgment.
[多选题]Which statements about diplomatic methods of dispute settlement are correct?
A. Good offices involves the participation of a third party which performs a role of providing a channel for communication or helping establish direct contacts between the contending parties.
B. The third party in the case of mediation will actively take part in the negotiations between the parties in dispute by offering advice or proposals for the settlement of dispute.
C. When divergent opinions on factual matters emerge between the parties involved the diplomatic method of inquiry is used to ascertain the fact.
D. Conciliation involves a third party investigation of the basis of the dispute and presentation of proposals for a solution, but the conciliation reports do not provide binding decisions.
[多选题]Which statements about innocent passage are correct?
A. Foreign ships, except warships, have the right to pass unhindered through the territorial sea of a coastal state provided that such passage must be innocent.
B. Passage is innocent so long as it is not prejudicial to the peace, good order or security of the coastal state.
C. Foreign ships exercising the right of innocent passage are to comply with the laws and regulations enacted by the coastal state relating to transport and navigation.
D. When passage of foreign ships is not innocent, the coastal state has the right to suspend or deny the passage.
[多选题]Which statements about the members of Security Council are correct?
A. There are 11 members.
B. Five of the members are permanent members.
C. Each of the permanent members has the veto power.
D. The members are chosen by the General Assembly.
[多选题]Which statements about the discovery and occupation of terra nullius are correct?
A. Discovery of a piece of land is not sufficient to the establishment of title to it.
B. Discovery is just the procession to the occupation of the territory.
C. Discovery only put other states on notice that the claimant state has a prior interest in the territory.
D. Relating to occupation of terra nullius, there are two basic principles of continuity and contiguity.
[多选题]Which statements about the criterion of effective government control are correct?
A. Possessing an effective government enforcing control throughout its territory is a vital element for statehood.
B. For a sovereign state, the essence of its capacity to enter into relations with other states is independence or sovereignty.
C. If an entity is legally or actually controlled by other sovereignty it will not be fulfilling the primary condition of independence.
D. If an entity is legally or actually controlled by other sovereignty it will not be entitled to recognition as a state.
[多选题]Which statements about island are correct?
A. An island is a naturally formed area of land, surrounded by water, which is above water at high tide.
B. The general provisions regarding the measurement of the territory sea can apply to islands.
C. Every island, no matter how small it is, is capable of possessing a territorial sea.
D. Islands will possess baselines for all maritime zones, including the territorial sea, contiguous zone, exclusive economic zone and continental shelf.
[多选题]Which statements about the application of treaties are correct?
A. Treaties are binding and should be carried out in good faith.
B. Provisions of a treaty will not bind a party as regards any act or fact which took place before it became a party of the treaty.
C. Treaties are to apply to the entire territory of every party unless other intention is made clear.
D. Treaties cannot bind states which are not parties to them unless those states express consent to be bound.
[多选题]Which statements about the invalidity of treaties are correct?
A. The failure to abide by municipal law in making a treaty will lead to invalidity of the treaty.
B. One party to a treaty would be obliged to observe the obligations if the party advancing the plea of error contributed by its own conduct to the area or could have avoided it.
C. A state may invoke a fraud as invaliding its conduct to be bound where its consent to be bound resulted from the fraudulent conduct of another negotiation state.
D. When a negotiation state consents to be bound, since its representatives has been corrupted by another negotiation state, the former may invoke the corruption as invalidating the consent to be bound.
[多选题]Which statements about the treatment of aliens are correct?
A. Aliens are not to be discriminated by the state.
B. Aliens are not entitled to vote or to be voted in the state.
C. Aliens may be rejected to enter into the territory of a state.
D. A state may expel aliens for their unlawful actions.


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