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[判断题]According to the Estrada doctrine, automatic recognition will occur so long as the new regime has in fact established itself as the effective government of the country.

更多"[判断题]According to the Estrada doctr"的相关试题:

[多选题]According to the doctrine of functional necessity providing justification for diplomatic immunity, which statements are correct?
A. 1mmunity attaching to diplomatic representatives was regarded as an extension of sovereign immunity.
B. The offices and homes of the diplomatic personnel should be treated as the territory of the sending state.
C. 1mmunities and privileges enjoyed by diplomats are necessary to effectively conduct diplomatic missions.
D. Diplomatic immunity provides necessary guarantees for the effective function of diplomatic missions on behalf of states.
[多选题]which statements about the Estrada doctrine are correct?
A. The doctrine was advocated by senor Estrada in 1930.
B. 1t denies the needs for explicit and the formal acts of recognition.
C. Already existing government will no longer accord formal recognition.
D. The approach has been adopted by many states.
[多选题]There have been three principal doctrines which provide justification for diplomatic immunity, they are:
A. Personal representation.
B. Extraterritoriality.
C. Functional necessary.
D. Concurring wills.
[多选题]which statements about the doctrine of uti possidetis in state territory applied by the Third world are correct?
A. The doctrine of uti possidetis has been warmly welcomed by the Third world and newly independent states.
B. Many Latin America and African states adopted the concept of uti possidetis in the solution of boundary disputes.
C. The practice of uti possidetis has effectively reduced the boundary disputes between south American states and prevented the interference of other states.
D. The essence of the principle lies in its primary aims of securing respect for the territory boundaries at the moment when independence is achieved.
[多选题]which statements about the doctrine of non. recognition are correct?
A. The doctrine of non.recognition implies that under certain conditions a factual situation will not be recognized due to moral or legal considerations.
B. 1t is derived from the principal that ·acquisition of territory or special advantages by illegal threat or use of force will not create a title capable of recognition by other states).
C. 1t was advocated by Henry stimson in the 1930s.
D. 1t was formulated under the regime established by the Covenant of the League of Nations of 1919 and the Kellogg.Briand Pact of 1928.
[单选题] Automatic identification systems(AIS)are required to ______.
A.provide safety-related information automatically to shore stations,other vessels and aircraft
B.receive safety-related information automatically from similarly equipped vessels
C.exchange safety-related information with shore-based facilities
D.All of the above
[多选题]which statements are correct according to the Chicago Convention on 1nternational Civil Aviation?
A. The Convention does not apply to state aircraft.
B. Those aircraft which operate on schedule international air services are to be distinguished from other civilian aircraft.
C. 1nternational air service may not be operated over or into the territory of a state without the state)s special authorization.
D. Aircraft not engaged in scheduled international air services have the right to make flights into or in transit non.stop across the contracting state)s territory without prior permission.
[单选题] According to SOLAS the breathing air apparatus that must be onboard shall have sufficient capacity for how many minutes of operation?
A. 20
B. 30
C. 45
D. 60
[单选题] What makes a scientist according to the passage? ___________
A. The tools he uses.
B. The way he uses his tools.
C. His ways of learning.
D. The various tools he uses.
[单选题] According to the passage, the hostess cooks dinner herself mainly because_____________
A. servants in America are hard to get
B. she takes pride in what she can do herself
C. she can hardly afford servants
D. it is easy to prepare a meal with canned food
[多选题]According to the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations 1961, which statements are correct?
A. Diplomatic privileges and immunities are of functional necessity for conduction international relations.
B. Diplomatic mission should be treated as representing it state.
C. The premises of the diplomatic mission should be treated as territory of the sending state.
D. The embassy buildings should be treated as territory of the sending state.
[多选题]According to intertemporal law, which statements are correct?
A. The claim or situation in question has to be examined according to the rules of international law in existence at the time.
B. The creation ofparticular rights and duties was depended upon the international law existing at that time.
C. The continued existence of rights and duties depended upon their accordance with the evolution of the law.
D. states would constantly have to re.establish their title to territory on a basis approved by international law at the time.
[单选题]According to the waythe steering gear is operated,the steering gear may be divided into three kinds:hand-steering,follow up steering,and automatic steering.
[单选题] Which vessel is underway according to the Rules?
A. A vessel made fast to a single point mooring buoy
B. A purse seiner hauling her nets
C. A pilot vessel at anchor
D. A vessel which has run aground
[多选题]According to the Vienna Convention on the succession of states in Respect of Treaties, which statement as following are correct?
A. A successor state will not be bound by those so.called political treaties such as treaties of alliance, friendship or neutrality.
B. A successor state which wishes to become a party to political treaties in force may give notice of succession.
C. Boundaries established by treaties remain untouched by the mere fact of a succession.
D. These problems may be deal with by either multilateral or bilateral agreements.
[多选题]According to the UNCLos1982, which statements about the delimitation of the continental shelf and the EEZ are correct?
A. 1n the case of opposite states, the boundary should be determined by the drawing of the median line and every point of the line is equidistant from the nearest point of the baselines of each state.
B. As far as adjacent states are concerned, the boundary should be drawn in accordance with the principle of equidistance from the nearest point of the baseline of each state.
C. Delimitation of the continental shelf between opposite states shall be achieved by agreement on the basis of international law in order to achieve equitable principles.
D. Delimitation of the continental shelf between adjacent states shall be achieved by agreement on the basis of international law in order to achieve equitable principles.
[多选题]According to the Vienna Convention 1961, which statements about the diplomatic bag are correct?
A. The diplomatic bag must bear visible external marks of their character.
B. The diplomatic bag may contain only diplomatic documents or articles intended for official use.
C. The diplomatic bag shall not be opened or detained.
D. The diplomatic bag shall only be opened by the receiving state in the presence of an authorized representative from the sending state.
[多选题]According to 1944 Chicago 1nternational Air services Transit Agreement (the Two Freedoms Agreement), the aircraft operating scheduled international air services are entitled the privilege to
A. fly across the territory of another contracting state without landing.
B. land for non.traffic purposes in the territory of another contracting state.
C. take on passengers, mails and cargoes in the territory of another contracting state.
D. put down passengers, mails and cargoes in the territory of another contracting state.


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