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发布时间:2024-07-07 18:09:06

[不定项选择题]资料:We never thought we'd say this, but we'd welcome back some chilly weather. A cool mass of air heads toward the United States from the upper regions of Canada and Alaska this week, according to the National Weather Service. According to the NWS, a mass of cold air will drop from the Arctic regions to Canada and then the upper Midwest next week. Temperatures across the Midwest will drop into the 60s and 70s—a sharp difference from the 80 degree and 90 degree temperatures from recent weeks. And the relatively cooler air may be felt as far East as New York and Washington. The cool breezes may be a welcome relief this time around, but remember the last few times we got hit with Arctic air? Temperatures in cities including Chicago, Cleveland, New York, and Louisville fell into single-digit and negative territory for long stretches during the harsh winter months of early 2014. But we're sure you remember. According to the National Weather Service, ___.
A.the cool mass of air originates from Canada
B.a mass of cold air will affect both Canada and the U.S.
C.the chilly weather is back to the globe
D.only the upper Midwest will be affected by the cool air

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[不定项选择题]资料:We never thought we'd say this, but we'd welcome back some chilly weather. A cool mass of air heads toward the United States from the upper regions of Canada and Alaska this week, according to the National Weather Service. According to the NWS, a mass of cold air will drop from the Arctic regions to Canada and then the upper Midwest next week. Temperatures across the Midwest will drop into the 60s and 70s—a sharp difference from the 80 degree and 90 degree temperatures from recent weeks. And the relatively cooler air may be felt as far East as New York and Washington. The cool breezes may be a welcome relief this time around, but remember the last few times we got hit with Arctic air? Temperatures in cities including Chicago, Cleveland, New York, and Louisville fell into single-digit and negative territory for long stretches during the harsh winter months of early 2014. But we're sure you remember. What’s the temperature when the report was written?
A.About 60s and 70s.
B.Between 60s and 90s.
C.Below 60s.
D.About 80s and 90s.
[不定项选择题]资料:We are pleased to invite you to attend the 14th Canadian Collaborative Mental Health Care Conference(14th CCMHC C) to be held on Thursday,June 27th and Friday,June 28th,2013.Montreal has been selected as the host city. This annual event will take place at the Delta Centre Vile Hotel,a downtown location within easy walking distance of the Old City. You will be charmed by the unique character of the city of Montreal,the metropolis of the province of Quebec. For those of you who wish to extend your stay,you can combine business and pleasure by attending the 34th International Jazz Festival of Montreal that will begin on Friday,June 28th and continue for the next 10 days. The 14th CCMHCC is organized by the Canadian Psychiatric Association and the College of Family Physicians of Canada Collaborative Working Group on Shared Mental Health Care. This conference will take on a bilingual character.in French and in English,and simultaneous translation will be available for the main speeches and presentations. This is a unique opportunity to bring together people who are involved in collaborative mental health care,and to create links that consolidate and enrich the networks among these stakeholders. We are expecting over 300 delegates from Quebec,Canada and the international community. The interest in collaborative mental health care is shared by a wide audience,including particularly individuals living with a mental disorder and their families,healthcare professionals from different backgrounds,managers and decision makers community groups working in the field,physicians (including family physicians,pediatricians and psychiatrists).teachers from academic departments,researchers and collaborators from different sectors (e.g.,emergency social services,law enforcement officers,or employers) This conference will provide an additional impetus to collaborative care,an irresistible movement which redesigns the healthcare system in order to adapt it to the realities of the 21st century. The theme of the conference,Collaboration and Complexity. Seeking Out New Forms of Life,illustrates the emerging nature of the strategic vision of collaborative care,set the clinical operations within a complex context which fits in the postmodern societal model and points out its profound innovative potential. We invite sponsorship support to help make this conference a success. There are several ways to help,additional information will be provided shortly. We look forward to welcoming you to Montreal! According to the passage,which of the following does the theme of the conference suggest?
A.The innovative potential of clinical operations is yet to be realized
B.Collaborative care should be viewed from a strategic perspective
C.Clinical operations shouldn’t conform to postmodern societal model
D.None of the above
[不定项选择题]资料:We all know that lack of sleep affects our memory along with other cognitive abilities. Sitting in the office sleep deprives it’s difficult to remember your own name, let along the ever-lengthening to-do list. But now new research shows that not getting enough sleep increases the chances your mind will actually create false memories. The study, published in Psychological Science, allowed one group of participants to get a full nights’ sleep while another had to stay up all night. In the morning they were given a series of photos that were supposed to show a crime being committed. Next, both groups were given some eyewitness statements about the crime. Like many witness statements in real-life crimes the details were different to those shown in the photographs. For example, in one instance the photo showed a thief putting a wallet in his jacket, but in the witness statement it said he put it in his pants(that's ‘trousers’ for British people not his underwear!). Afterwards they were asked what they had seen in the original photographs. The results showed that those who'd missed out on their sleep were the most likely to regurgitate the false eyewitness statements they'd just read rather than remembering the ‘true’ crime-scene photos they'd been shown moments beforehand. The lack of sleep had messed with their heads to the extent the all the evidence—right and wrong—had got mixed up. One of the study's authors, Kimberly Fenn, said:”People who repeatedly get low amounts of sleep every night could be more prone in the long run to develop these forms of memory distortion. It's not just a full night of sleep deprivation that puts them at risk. Indeed, a preliminary study they carried out found that getting just five hours sleep was enough to cause people to start manufacturing false memories. What is best title of this article?
A.Sleep and Photographic memory
B.Lack of Sleep Leading to Crimes
C.Sleep and Cognitive of human beings
D.Lack of Sleep Producing False Memory
[不定项选择题]资料:When we see well,we do not think about our eyes very often. It is only when we cannot see perfectly that we realize how important our eyes are. People who are near-sighted can only see things that are very close to their eyes,Everything else seems blurry(=unclear).Many people who do a lot of work,such as writing,reading and sewing become near-sighted. People who are far-sighted suffer from just the opposite problem. They can see things that are far away,but they have difficulty in reading a book unless they hold it at arm’s length. If they want to do much reading,they must get glasses,too. Other people do not see clearly because their eyes are not exactly the right shape. They have what is called astigmatism. This,too,can be corrected by glasses. Some people’s eyes become cloudy because of cataracts. Long ago these people often became blind. Now,however,it is possible to operate on the cataracts and remove them. Having two good eyes is important for judging distances. Each eye sees things from a slightly different angle. To prove this to yourself,look at an object out of one eye;Then look at the same object out of your other eye. You will find the object’s relation to the background and other things around it has changed. The difference between these two different eye views helps us to judge how far away an object is. People who have only one eye cannot judge distance as people with two eyes. When things far away seem indistinct, one is probably______.
C.suffering from cataracts
[不定项选择题]资料A市甲股份有限公司(以下简称甲公司)成立于2006年3月,从事化工产品生产,是增值税的一般纳税人。2010年5月,甲公司召开董事会会议,拟审议通过下列事项:更换公司总经理和财务负责人,更换由职工代表担任的公司董事,修改公司章程的部分条款。2011年8月,甲公司经证券监督管理机构核准,开始向社会发行股票募集资金;同年12月,甲公司股票在证券交易所上市交易。2012年10月,甲公司董事刘某参加董事会会议期间,获悉本公司将收购乙上市公司的股份,可能对甲公司股价产生较大影响,于是立即电话通知朋友赵某买进甲公司股票。2013年1月,甲公司因排放污染物超标,被A市环保部门处以5万元罚款;甲公司对处罚决定不服,向人民法院提起行政诉讼。2013年5月,甲公司向小规模纳税人丙公司销售一批化工产品,开具的普通发票上注明的销售价款为58.5万元。 甲公司对A市环保部门的处罚决定不服提起行政诉讼时,应当具备的条件有:


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