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发布时间:2024-07-07 22:06:24

[不定项选择题]共用题干 Batteries Built by Viruses
What do chicken pox,the common cold,the flu,and AIDS have in common?They're all diseases caused by viruses,tiny microorganisms that can pass from person to person. It's no wonder that when most people think about viruses,finding ways to steer clear of viruses is what's on people's minds.
Not everyone runs from the tiny disease carriers,though. In Cambridge,Massachu- setts,scientists have discovered that some viruses can be helpful in an unusual way. They are putting viruses to work,teaching them to build some of the world's smallest rechargeable batteries.
Viruses and batteries may seem like an unusual pair,but they're not so strange for engi-neer Angela Beicher,who first came up with the idea. At the Massachusetts Institute of
Technology(MIT)in Cambridge,she and her collaborators bring together different areas of science in new ways.In the case of the virus-built batteries,the scientists combine what they know about biology,technology and production techniques.
Beicher's team includes Paula Hammond,who helps put together the tiny batteries,and
Yet-Ming Chiang,an expert on how to store energy in the form of a battery.“We're working on things we traditionally don't associate with nature,”says Hammond.
Many batteries are already pretty small. You can hold A,C and D batteries in your hand. The coin-like batteries that power watches are often smaller than a penny. However, every year,new electronic devices like personal music players or cell phones get smaller than the year before. As these devices shrink,ordinary batteries won't be small enough to fit in-side.
The ideal battery will store a lot of energy in a small package. Right now,Belcher's model battery,a metallic disk completely built by viruses,looks like a regular watch battery. But inside,its components are very small一so tiny you can only see them with a powerful microscope.
How small are these battery parts?To get some idea of the size,pluck one hair from your head. Place your hair on a piece of white paper and try to see how wide your hair is一 pretty thin,right?Although the width of each person's hair is a bit different,you could probably fit about 10 of these virus-built battery parts,side to side,across one hair. These micro-batteries may change the way we look at viruses. How tiny is one battery part?
A.Its width is one tenth of a hair.
B.It equals the width of a hair.
C.It is as thin as a piece of paper.
D.Its width is too tiny to measure.

更多"[不定项选择题]共用题干 Batteries Built by Vi"的相关试题:

[不定项选择题]共用题干 Batteries Built by Viruses
What do chicken pox,the common cold,the flu,and AIDS have in common?They're all diseases caused by viruses,tiny microorganisms that can pass from person to person. It's no wonder that when most people think about viruses,finding ways to steer clear of viruses is what's on people's minds.
Not everyone runs from the tiny disease carriers,though. In Cambridge,Massachu- setts,scientists have discovered that some viruses can be helpful in an unusual way. They are putting viruses to work,teaching them to build some of the world's smallest rechargeable batteries.
Viruses and batteries may seem like an unusual pair,but they're not so strange for engi-neer Angela Beicher,who first came up with the idea. At the Massachusetts Institute of
Technology(MIT)in Cambridge,she and her collaborators bring together different areas of science in new ways.In the case of the virus-built batteries,the scientists combine what they know about biology,technology and production techniques.
Beicher's team includes Paula Hammond,who helps put together the tiny batteries,and
Yet-Ming Chiang,an expert on how to store energy in the form of a battery.“We're working on things we traditionally don't associate with nature,”says Hammond.
Many batteries are already pretty small. You can hold A,C and D batteries in your hand. The coin-like batteries that power watches are often smaller than a penny. However, every year,new electronic devices like personal music players or cell phones get smaller than the year before. As these devices shrink,ordinary batteries won't be small enough to fit in-side.
The ideal battery will store a lot of energy in a small package. Right now,Belcher's model battery,a metallic disk completely built by viruses,looks like a regular watch battery. But inside,its components are very small一so tiny you can only see them with a powerful microscope.
How small are these battery parts?To get some idea of the size,pluck one hair from your head. Place your hair on a piece of white paper and try to see how wide your hair is一 pretty thin,right?Although the width of each person's hair is a bit different,you could probably fit about 10 of these virus-built battery parts,side to side,across one hair. These micro-batteries may change the way we look at viruses. How tiny is one battery part?
A.Its width is one tenth of a hair.
B.It equals the width of a hair.
C.It is as thin as a piece of paper.
D.Its width is too tiny to measure.
[不定项选择题]共用题干 How Two Great Conflicts Helped to Change Europe
Ninety years ago on a sunny morning in Northern France,something happened that changed Britain and Europe for ever. At half past seven on the morning of July 1,1916 , whistles(哨子) blew and thousands of British soldiers left their positions to attack their German enemies. By the end of the day,20,000 of them were dead,and another 30,000 wounded or missing. The Battle of the Somme,______(51)it is called,lasted for six months.When it ended,125,000 British soldiers were dead. They had gained five kilometers of ground.
This was one of a series of great battles during WWI.The attack on the Somme was staged to relieve______(52)on the French,who were engaged in a great battle of their own at a place called Verdun. By the time the battle ended,over a million French and German troops had been killed.
About 17 million people were killed in WWI. There have been wars with greater numbers of dead .But there has never been one in______(53)most of the dead were concentrated in such a small area. On the Somme battlefield,two men died for every meter of space.
Local farmers working in the land still______(54)the bodies of those who died in that battle .The dead of all nations were buried in a series of giant graveyards along the line of the bor- der______(55)France and Belgium.Relatives and descendants(子孙)of those who died still visit these graveyards today.What the French call the"tourism of death"______(56)an im- portant contribution to the local economy.
It took a second great conflict before Europe was to turn______(57)war itself. Twenty-eight years after the Somme battle,a liberating army of British,American and Canadian troops took back______(58)from another German invasion. More than 500,000 people were killed.New______(59)were built.
Two great conflicts across two generations helped to change the European mind about war. Germany,once the most warlike country in Europe,is now probably more in______(60)of peace than any other. One major cause of war in Europe was rivalry(竞争)between France and Germany .The European Union was specifically formed to end that______(61).
According to US commentator William Pfaff,"Europeans are interested in a slow development of civilized and tolerant international relations,______(62)on problems while avoiding catastrophes(灾难)along the way. They have themselves only recently______(63)from the catas-trophes of WWI and WWII,when tens of millions of people were destroyed.They don't want______(64)."
The last British veteran of the Somme battle died in 2005,aged 108.And WWI is passing out of memory and into history. But for anyone who wants to understand how Europeans ______(65),it is still important to know a little about the terrible events of July 1,1916. 64._________


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