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发布时间:2024-07-04 00:07:18

[单选题] The earliest form of insurance was ________ insurance.
A. life
B. health
C. automobile
D. property and casualty

更多"[单选题] The earliest form of insuranc"的相关试题:

[简答题] A monoline insurance company is an insurance company which specialize in credit insurance alone.
[填空题]What is the earliest joint symptoms of a patient of rheumatoid arthritis(类风湿关节炎)?
[单选题]Which Convention, at the earliest, imposed states an obligation to make the offense of hijacking punishable by severe penalties and have the offender extradited to other states for trial on certain occasions?
A. The Tokyo Convention on Offenses Committed on Board Aircraft 1963.
B. The Hague Convention for the Suppression of Unlawful Seizure of Aircraft 1970.
C. The Convention for the Suppression of Unlawful Acts Against the Safety of Civil Aviation 1971.
D. The 1988 Protocol for the Suppression of Unlawful Acts of Violence at Airports Serving International Civil Aviation.
[单选题] Insurance companies employ underwriters
A. as an alternative to higher deductibles.
B. to control the risky behavior of their policyholders.
C. to control the risk incurred on their behalf by agents.
D. to encourage the loyalty of exclusive agents.
E. to maintain the independence of independent agents.
[单选题] What insurance protects against liability for harm the insured may cause to others as a result of product failure or accidents?
A. Property insurance
B. Health insurance
C. Life insurance
D. Casualty insurance
[单选题] A term life insurance policy provides
A. insurance benefits only.
B. savings benefits only.
C. both insurance and savings benefits.
D. none of the above.
[单选题] Insurance management tools that give policyholders incentives to avoid accidents insured against include ________.
A. deductibles
B. risk-based premiums
C. coinsurance
D. all of the above
[单选题] Which life insurance policy usually requires the insured to pay a level premium for the duration of the policy, and the overpayment accumulates as a cash value that can be borrowed by the insured at reasonable rates?
A. Whole life
B. Term
C. Universal life
D. None of the above
[单选题] If automobile insurance companies were prevented from charging risk-based premiums, but could selectively screen potential policyholders, the likely effect would be to
A. increase the number of young men obtaining insurance coverage relative to young women.
B. decrease the number of young women obtaining insurance coverage relative to young men.
C. decrease the number of young men obtaining insurance coverage relative to young women.
D. do both A and B of the above.
[简答题] Property and casualty insurance protects against losses from fire, theft, storm, explosion, and even neglect.
[单选题] Fire and casualty insurance companies are what type of intermediary?
A. Contractual savings institution
B. Depository institutions
C. Investment intermediaries
D. None of the above
[单选题] The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC. insures each depositor at a commercial bank, savings and loan association, or mutual savings bank up to a loss of ________ per account.
A. $100,000
B. $250,000
C. $500,000
D. $1,000,000
[简答题] Private mortgage insurance is a policy that guarantees to make up any discrepancy between the value of the property and the loan amount, should a default occur.
[单选题] A basic product of life insurance companies is ________.
A. disability insurance
B. annuities
C. health insurance
D. all of the above
[单选题] The broad categories of life insurance products including which of the following?
A. Term
B. Whole life
C. Universal life
D. All of the above
[单选题] Insurance companies' attempts to minimize adverse selection and moral hazard explain which of the following insurance practices?
A. Requiring collateral for policies
B. Risk-based premiums
C. Compensating balances
D. All of the above
E. Only A and B of the above
[简答题] The fact that insurance companies charge young males higher automobile insurance premiums than young females is an example of coinsurance.
[简答题] Casualty insurance can be provided in either named-peril policies or open-peril policies.


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