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发布时间:2023-10-02 13:10:26

[单项选择]After much debate, the Compromise of 1850 was passed, which allowed ______ to be accepted as a free state.
A. Utah
B. California
C. Louisiana
D. New Mexico

更多"After much debate, the Compromise o"的相关试题:

[单项选择]After much deliberation, the bank clerk () agreed to offer Ms. Johnson a loan iii spite of her poor credit history.
A. steadily
B. reluctantly
C. comfortably
D. inevitably

After much deliberation, the bank clerk()agreed to offer Ms. Johnson a loan inspite of her poor credit history.

A. steadily
B. reluctantly
C. comfortably
D. inevitably
One day one of them said to the king. "After much thought and study. I have found out that Ihert. is only one way for you to get well. You must wear the shirt of a happy ]nail. "
So Ihe king sent his men to every part of his land to look for a happy man. First they visited me rich They asked all thesepeoplethesamequostion. "Arc you happy" Bul every one of them answcred. "No. 1 don’t know what real happiness means. "
One day nile of the king’s men mci a woodcutter (伐木工)
"Are you happy" asked die king’s man.
"As happy as the day is long. " answered Ibc woodcutter.
"Oh. goodt" said the man. "Give me your shirt. "
"Why" said Ibe woodculter. "I beven’l got one. "
’The king wasn’t happy because he wtm ill. A. True. B. False.
[填空题]Only after much heated discussion, (他们才得出结论)_____________________________________________________________________.


In the angry debate over how much of IQ comes from the genes that children inherit from parents and how much comes from experiences, one little fact gets overlooked: no one has identified any genes (other than those that cause retardation) that affect intelligence. So researchers led by Robert Plomin of London’s Institute of Psychiatry decided to look for some:
Plomin’s colleagues drew blood from two groups of 51 children each. They are all White living in six counties around Cleveland. In one group, the average IQ is 136. In the other group, the average IQ is 103. Isolating the blood cells, the researchers then examined each child’s chromosome 6 (One of the 23 human chromosomes). Of the 37 land marks on chromosome 6that the researchers looked for, one jumped out: a form of gene called IGF2R occurred in twice as many children in high IQ group as in the average grouw-32 percent versus 16 percent. The study concludes that it is this form of the IGF2R gene,
A. scientists have reached an agreement
B. scientists’ opinions vary
C. no genes have ever been identified
D. scientists have found many smart genes


In the angry debate over how much of IQ comes from the genes that children inherit from parents and how much comes from experiences, one little fact gets overlooked: no one has identified any genes (other than those that cause retardation) that affect intelligence. So researchers led by Robert Plomin of London’s Institute of Psychiatry decided to look for some. They figured that if you want to find a "smart gene," you should look in smart kids. They therefore examined the DNA of students like those who are so bright that they take college entrance exams four years early — and still score at Princeton-caliber levels. The scientists found what they sought. "We have, " says Plomin, "the first specific gene ever associated with general intelligence. "
Plomin’s colleagues drew blood from two groups of 51 children each. all 6 to 15 years old and living in six counties around Cleveland. In one group, the average IQ is 103. All the c
A. how much of IQ comes from intelligence
B. how many children inherit genes from parents
C. how much of IQ comes from genes
D. how many children learn by experience
[单项选择]Task 1Directions: After reading the following passage, you will find 5 questions or unfinished statements, numbered 36 through 40. For each question or statement there are 4 choices marked A, B, C and D. You should make the correct choice and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.
We buried Donald Brown last May. He was murdered by four men who wanted to rob the supermarket manager he was protecting. Patrolman Brown was 61 years old. In just six months he and his wife had planned to retire to Florida. Now there will be no retirement in the sun, and she is alone. Donald Brown was the second police officer to die in 1972 since I became Police Commissioner of Boston. The first was Detective John Schroeder, shot in a pawnshop (当铺) robbery in November 1970. John Schroeder was the brother of Walter Schroeder, who was killed in a bank robbery. Their names are together on the honor roll in Police Headquarters. At least two of these police officers were shot by a handgun, the kind almost anyone can buy nearly everywhere for a few dollars. Ownership of handguns has become so widespread that this weapon is no longer merely the instrument of crime; it is now a cause of violent crime. Of the 11 Boston police officers killed since 1962, 17 were shot with handguns. Gun advocates are fond of saying that guns don’t kill, people do. But guns do kill. Half of the people who commit suicide do so with handguns. Fifty-four percent of the murders committed in 1972 were committed with handguns. No one can convince me, after returning from patrolman Brown’s funeral, that we should allow people to own handguns. I know that many Americans feel deeply and honestly that they have a right to own and enjoy guns. I am asking that they give them up. I am not asking for registration or licensing, or the outlawing of cheap guns. I am saying that no private citizen, whatever his claim, should possess a handgun. Only police officers should.
The passage is mainly aimed to ______ .
A. persuade the government
B. describe police officers’ death
C. tell the robbers’ means to kill policeman
D. explain means of people’s possession of handguns


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