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发布时间:2023-12-08 04:05:28

[填空题]Only after much heated discussion, (他们才得出结论)_____________________________________________________________________.

更多"Only after much heated discussion, "的相关试题:

[单项选择]Only after a heated discussion()in solving the problem.
A. they did succeed
B. did they succeed
C. had they succeeded
D. they had succeeded
[填空题]It was only after a heated discussion that they______________________________(达成一致意见).
[简答题]It was after a serious and heated discussion that a conclusion was arrived at.

Directions: Now there is a heated discussion about examination. Some hold that examination should be abolished. You are a teacher with opposite viewpoints. Write a letter to the editor, Mr. Smith, to express your viewpoints.
You should write approximately 160—200 words on ANSWER SHEET 2.


Direction: There is a heated discussion in the newspaper on the issue of urbanization. Write a composition to clarify your own point of view toward this issue. You should write no less than 200 words, Write your composition on the ANSWER SHEET
Topic:Urbanization in China

[简答题]{{I}} At present, there is heated discussion on whether the young should take care of their parents when they grow old; or should it be the responsibility of the state You are to write a letter of approximately 400 words on this issue to an editor of an evening paper. In the first part of your letter you should present your thesis statement, and in the second part you should support the thesis statement with appropriate details. In the last part you should bring what you have written to a natural conclusion with a summary. Marks will be awarded for content, organization, grammar and appropriateness. Failure to follow the above instructions may result in a loss of marks. Write your composition on ANSWER SHEET FOUR{{/I}}
[多项选择]1. 工作有利于健康。
[单项选择]一些美国心理学家得出结论认为:父母对儿童采取的行为一种是总表示接受,一种是总表示拒绝。心理学家得出这样的结论是因为研究者高度同意母亲的行为能表明这些父母的态度。 上面所提及的心理学家所得的结论依据于这样的假设,即:
A. 大多数父母行为都被解释为要么表达接受,要么表达拒绝。
B. 父亲也表现出与母亲相同的代表接受或拒绝的行为。
C. 父亲对孩子行为的研究与母亲对孩子行为的研究一样认真。
D. 接受和拒绝是父母行为中最容易识别的。
E. 父母的态度最能通过他们取得一致意见的那些行为传递出来。
[填空题]______(我已得出结论)that it would be unwise to accep this proposal.

[单项选择]对市场调查所获得的信息资料进行整理,得出结论,提出建议的书面材料叫做( )。
A. 市场调查报告
B. 可行性研究报告
C. 计划
D. 总结
[简答题]__________ (我已得出结论) that it would be unwise to accept his proposal.
[单项选择]After much debate, the Compromise of 1850 was passed, which allowed ______ to be accepted as a free state.
A. Utah
B. California
C. Louisiana
D. New Mexico
[单项选择]After much deliberation, the bank clerk () agreed to offer Ms. Johnson a loan iii spite of her poor credit history.
A. steadily
B. reluctantly
C. comfortably
D. inevitably
A. 面向对象语言
B. 函数式语言
C. 过程式语言
D. 逻辑式语言


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