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发布时间:2023-10-21 17:37:01


Conversation 1
W: Hello, Silk Branch, Who is calling
M: This is Brown speaking. May I speak to Miss Li
W: Speaking, please. This is Li.
M: Good afternoon, Miss Li.
W: Good afternoon.
M: Have you got the contract ready for signature
W: Yes, I have. I gave you a ring just now, but you were not in
M: How about this evening Will you be free then Our manager invites you to dinner this evening. We can sign the contract before the dinner.
W: That’s very kind of you. I’ll be very pleased to be with you for the dinner. When shall we meet
M: Please wait at the hotel. We’ll come and pick you up at half past six. Then, we’ll drive to the Capital Restaurant. It’s only a ten - minute ride from your hotel. Is it convenient for you
W: That’s great! See you at six thirty.
M: See you soon.

Which of the following is not mentioned in the co
A. Miss Li’s mother invites Mr. Brown to dinner.
B. They can sign the contract before the dinner.
C. Mr. Brown will be very pleased to be with Miss Li for the dinner.
D. They will drive to the Capital Restaurant.

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Conversation 1
W: Hello, Silk Branch, Who is calling
M: This is Brown speaking. May I speak to Miss Li
W: Speaking, please. This is Li.
M: Good afternoon, Miss Li.
W: Good afternoon.
M: Have you got the contract ready for signature
W: Yes, I have. I gave you a ring just now, but you were not in
M: How about this evening Will you be free then Our manager invites you to dinner this evening. We can sign the contract before the dinner.
W: That’s very kind of you. I’ll be very pleased to be with you for the dinner. When shall we meet
M: Please wait at the hotel. We’ll come and pick you up at half past six. Then, we’ll drive to the Capital Restaurant. It’s only a ten - minute ride from your hotel. Is it convenient for you
W: That’s great! See you at six thirty.
M: See you soon.

What did Mr. Brown do when Miss Li rang him up()
A. He went to a park.
B. He had a talk with Conrad.
C. He talked about the contract.
D. He went out for a walk.

W: These silk gloves are quite a bit cheaper than the leather ones.
M: I really like the leather, but I can’t pay 26 dollars.

What will the man probably do()
A. She will probably pay 26 dollars for the gloves.
B. She will probably buy the leather gloves.
C. She will probably buy both of gloves.
D. She will probably buy the silk gloves.

W: Hello, Franklin!
M: Hello, Mary! How nice to see you again! How have you been these days
W: Pretty busy, you know I am hunting for a job recently.
M: Well, how is it going
W: You know I’ve been thinking about applying for a job in other states. Well, I’ve got the details about different jobs and I’d like your opinion about which would be the best one to go for.
M: Where are the jobs
W: One is in Los Angeles, one is in Detroit and the other one is in Atlanta City.
M: Los Angeles is supposed to be a very nice place. Los Angeles area offers many attractive visiting places, like mountains and beaches. And there are ski resorts near the city! It is considered to be one of the best tourist destination in the country.
W: Yes it is, and the company is also located in a beautiful part.
M: That would be great for the health. You know, I’d love to be able to go skiing at weekend
A. There are many attractive places to visit.
B. The cost of living is in the medium range.
C. Apartment rentals aren’t as high as in New York City.
D. Its culture is internationally famous.


W: Hello. How was the marketing meeting
M: It was awful. I think I put forward some great ideas, but none of them were accepted.

What can we learn from the conversation ()
A. The meeting was boring.
B. The man didn’t like this kind of meeting.
C. The man’s ideas were not accepted by others.
D. The meeting was successful with some ideas put forward.

W: Hello. ABC Company.
M: Hello. May I speak to Mr. Strong
W: Oh, he can’t come to the phone right now.
M: OK, well, you see, I need to talk to him. Could you take a message
W: Yeah.
M: Thanks. My name’s Nick Johnson. And ...
W: The phone number, please
M: Oh, yeah, my phone number is 5897248, and could you tell him to call me tonight between 7:00 and 8:30
W: OK.
M: Thank you. Bye-bye.

What can we know about Mr. Strong ()
A. He is not in.
B. He can’t come to the telephone.
C. He is on another line.
D. He doesn’t want to answer the call.

M: Hello! Is this eight six eight double zero seven five
W: Yes. Who is speaking

What is the telephone number ()
A. 3380075
B. 8380075
C. 3880075
D. 8680075

M: Hello. 139-8544.
W: Hello. Is Tom there
M: No, I’m sorry. Tom is out.
W: Is that you, John
M: No. I’m not John.
W: Oh! I’m sorry...er .... well, could you please leave Tom a message for me
M: Sure. What is it
W: Well, I’m Tom’s friend Anna. Would you ask him to call me back this evening
M: All right.
W: Thank you very much, John.
M: But I’m not John, I’m Jack.

Who is Anna calling ()
A. Rose.
B. John.
C. Tom.
D. Jack

W: Hello, may I speak to Dean Steward
M: Speaking.
W: Oh, hello, Dr Steward, this is Hong. I just called to let you know that all arrangements have been made and I’ll be leaving tomorrow morning.
M: Well, so soon. Need any help
W: No, everything is OK, thanks. But I have got a lot more things to take home than I thought. I’ll probably be a little overweight.
M: That’s all right for the American air flight. You can have a handbag and a small backpack as carry-ons.
W: Then there won’t be any problem.
M: As I have said we are very glad to have had you here. It was a great pleasure. You’re definitely a good student and certainly a good teacher. You’ll go far.
W: Thank you. It has been a rewarding year and I appreciate all the help you have given to me. I will never forget the hospitality_ you showed by inviting me to stay at your place during the first t
A. To tell him she has made all arrangements for him.
B. To say farewell to him.
C. To give him thanks about his good arrangements.
D. To invite him to visit her country.


W: Hello, Mr. Walters. Is there anything I can do for you
M: I’d like to see Mr. Benson about your company’s product.

What does Mr. Waiters want()
A. To sell a product to Mr. Benson.
B. To invite Mr. Benson to his company.
C. To discuss something with Mr. Benson.
D. To place a order with Benson’s company


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