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发布时间:2024-02-12 20:28:01


M: Hello. 139-8544.
W: Hello. Is Tom there
M: No, I’m sorry. Tom is out.
W: Is that you, John
M: No. I’m not John.
W: Oh! I’m sorry...er .... well, could you please leave Tom a message for me
M: Sure. What is it
W: Well, I’m Tom’s friend Anna. Would you ask him to call me back this evening
M: All right.
W: Thank you very much, John.
M: But I’m not John, I’m Jack.

Who is Anna calling ()
A. Rose.
B. John.
C. Tom.
D. Jack

更多"[听力原文]6-7 M: Hello. 139-8544. W"的相关试题:


W: Tom, does your throat hurt
M: Yes.
W: OK. Do you want to get better
M: Yes.
W: OK. We want you to get better, too. You’ll have your tonsils out tomorrow, and you won’t get so many colds any more.
M: But if I have my tonsils out tomorrow, I’ll miss my birthday party on Saturday.
W: I know. It’s a problem, isn’t it Let me try to work something out.
M: What
W: I have to think about it.
M: You’re joking with me.
W: Oh, I’m not, Tom. Give me a chance to think about it, and I’ll get a new idea.
M: A surprise
W: Maybe. But you just put on your clothes, and I’ll think of a surprise.
M: Will it hurt
W: No. There are other boys and girls, and they are having tonsils out. When we get there, you’ll see them operated courageously.
M: I don’t want to.
W: Change your clothes, Tom. Every
A. He misses his birthday party.
B. He doesn’t want to go to hospital.
C. He has a cold and his throat hurts.


W: Tom missed the deadline for the assignment again.
M: He’s got to adjust his study habits in order to survive at the university.

What do we learn about Tom ()
A. Tom has good study habits.
B. Tom writes many papers.
C. Tom lives in a dormitory.
D. Tom’s papers are often late.

W: Did Tom paint the whole house himself
M: He had it painted because he doesn’t like to climb the ladder.

Was the house painted ()
A. No, because there was no ladder.
B. No, because Tom likes the present color.
C. Yes, Tom painted it.
D. Yes, someone else painted it.

W: Tom, I really think my experience has much more importance.
M. Don’t talk to me like that, Sally. I know the subject as much as you do.

What does Tom object to()
A. Sally’s experience.
B. Sally’s subject.
C. Sally’s attitude.
D. Sally’s knowledg

W: So Tom, now that your final exams are over, what are you going to do
M: I plan to take it easy for a few days or so.

What does Tom tell the woman()
A. He wants to have a rest for a few days.
B. He wants to do some shopping with his mother.
C. The final exams he took were easy.
D. It is too early for him to make plans.

W: John is taller than Tom, but shorter than Mike.
M: But you are taller than Mike.

Who is the shortest ()
A. Tom.
B. John.
C. Mike.
D. The man.

W: I just don’t understand how Tom got the job when so many others applied.
M: It must have been beginner’s luck.

Why is the woman puzzled ()
A. Tom applied for a job.
B. Tom was preferred to others.
C. Tom wanted other job.
D. Tom was too unlucky.

W: Who’s your new secretary, Tom
M: Miss Lisa. I’m very pleased with the work that she has done so far.

What do we know about the man’s secretary()
A. The secretary is not very efficient.
B. The secretary is a man.
C. The secretary has not been working there very long.
D. The secretary is marrie

W: Listen to me, Tom. The exam has been the thing in the past.Just forget about it.
M: It’s easier said than done.

What can we learn from the conversation()
A. The exam was easier.
B. Tom is sure that he will do better.
C. The exam is easier than last one.
D. Tom is afraid of failing the exam.


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