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发布时间:2024-02-02 07:55:37


W: Hello. How was the marketing meeting
M: It was awful. I think I put forward some great ideas, but none of them were accepted.

What can we learn from the conversation ()
A. The meeting was boring.
B. The man didn’t like this kind of meeting.
C. The man’s ideas were not accepted by others.
D. The meeting was successful with some ideas put forward.

更多"[听力原文] W: Hello. How was the mark"的相关试题:


W: How much are these pillows, please
M: Four dollars each or seven dollars for the pair.

How much does one pillow cost ()
A. $8.
B. $7.
C. $4.
D. $3.5.

W: How many people survived this fire
M: There were 2 men on the first floor and 3 women with a child on the second floor, but no one was badly hurt.

How many people were killed in the fire()
A. 2.
B. 3.
C. 6.
D. Non

W: How did your parents like the play they attended last week
M: My mother thought the language was terrible, but my father liked it.

What did the woman’s parents think about the play ()
A. They both liked it.
B. Neither liked it.
C. The mother didn’t like it, but the father did.
D. The mother didn’t like it because it wasn’t in Englis

W: How are you getting on with your experiment
M: In spite of my continuous failure, I have already made some progress.

What can we learn about the man’s experiment()
A. It is going on well.
B. It has not progressed smoothly.
C. It will soon be finished.
D. It may have to be stoppe

M: Hi, Lily. How is everything
W: Not bad, except for my headache.

What’s wrong with Lily()
A. she has got a toothache.
B. she has got a backache.
C. she has got a headache.

W: How much are these pens
M: They used to be 60 cents each but now it’s 1 dollar for two.

How much will the man pay if he buys two pens()
A. 1 dollar.
B. 60 cents.
C. 1.20 dollars.
D. 1.50 dollars.

W: How much do I pay each month for your network service
M: It depends on how many hours you use. Each hour costs $1.50.

How much will the woman pay if she uses 20 hours()
A. $30.
B. $20.
C. $15.
D. $12.

W: How long does it take you to drive home when there is not much traffic
M: Normally about fifty minutes, but if I can’t leave my office before 5 p. m., it usually takes me 25 minutes more.
Q: How long will it take the man to drive home at rush hour ()

A. Twenty-five minutes.
B. An hour and a quarter.
C. Forty minutes.
D. Fifty minutes.

W: How much does it cost to send a postcard to the United States by air
M: It will be $ 2.

Where does the conversation probably take place()
A. In a bar.
B. In a restaurant.
C. In a post office.
D. In a school.

W: How would you like your hair cut
M: It’s getting a little too long, but I don’t cut it too much.

What’s the relationship between the two speakers()
A. Student-teacher.
B. Hairdresser-customer.
C. Doctor-patient.
D. Buyer-salesman,

W: Hi, Jack how about a party this weekend
M: Sounds great ! What is the ’party for

What does the man want to know ()
A. He wants to know when to have the party.
B. He wants to know who should be invited.
C. He wants to know what the purpose of the party is.
D. He wants to know what kinds of parties are needed.

W: What a fashionable hat! How much is it
M: Fifteen dollars each.

How much will the man pay if he buys two hats ()
A. 50 dollars.
B. 15 dollars.
C. 100 dollars.
D. 30 dollars.


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