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发布时间:2024-01-01 05:10:04

Silence Please

If there is one group of workers across the Western world who will be glad that Christmas is over, that group is shop workers.
It is not that they like to complain. They realize that they are going to be rushed off their feet at Christmas. They know that their employers need happy customers to make their profits that pay their wages. But there is one thing about working in a shop over Christmas that is too bad to tolerate.
That thing is music. These days, all shops and many offices have what is known as "Piped music" or "muzak" playing for all the hours that they are open. Muzak has an odd history. During the 1940s, music was played to cows as part of a scientific experiment. It was found that cows which listened to simple, happy music produced more milk. Perhaps workers and customers who listened to simple, happy music would be snore productive and spend more money.
In fact, nobody knows what effect playing
A. rush their feet off all day.
B. listen to the music playing all the time in the shop.
C. work overtime to make more profits for the boss.
D. try to please the customers.

更多"Silence Please If there is one gro"的相关试题:

Silence Please

If there is one group of workers across the Western world who will be glad that Christmas is over, that group is shop workers.
It is not that they like to complain. They realize that they are going to be rushed off their feet at Christmas. They know that their employers need happy customers to make their profits that pay their wages. But there is one thing about working in a shop over Christmas that is too bad to tolerate.
That thing is music. These days, all shops and many offices have what is known as "Piped music" or "muzak" playing for all the hours that they are open. Muzak has an odd history. During the 1940s, music was played to cows as part of a scientific experiment. It was found that cows which listened to simple, happy music produced more milk. Perhaps workers and customers who listened to simple, happy music would be snore productive and spend more money.
In fact, nobody knows what effect playing
A. cows.
B. workers.
C. customers.
D. bosses.
[单项选择]To please no one I will prescribe a deadly drug, nor give advice which may cause his death. Nor will I give a woman a pessary to procure abortion. But I will preserve the purity of my life and my art.( )
A. I will prescribe
B. nor give advice
C. Nor will I
D. a woman a pessary

W: I’ d like two tickets, please. One for myself and one for my little boy. He’s eight years old.
M: If he’ s only eight, he can get in for haft price. That will be a dollar fifty together.

How much does the woman’s ticket cost ()
A. Fifty cents.
B. Eighty cents.
C. One dollar.
D. Seventy - five cents.

In 1977, the group Women Office Workers held a contest for secretaries, inviting them to name the " most ridiculous personal errand" they’d ever run. As Lynn Peril tells it in "Swimming in the Steno Pool," her light, wry history of the secretarial profession, the winner was a woman whose boss asked her to take pictures of him before, while and after he shaved off his moustache. The runner-up’s task was to pick up her boss’s wife and newborn baby from the hospital.
This is the profession’s image problem: Secretaries have to either cater to their bosses in loopy ways or contend with the idea that they might. Peril, a longtime secretary herself, is frank about how women’s clerical dominance has both helped and hindered them. Her account gives secretaries their due while making clear why they posed a problem for the equal rights movement, and vice versa.
In the late 19th century, when wo
A. To take pictures of the boss after he shaves off his moustache.
B. To pick up the boss’s newborn baby from the hospital.
C. To be chased in the "dandy game" of scuttle.
D. To keep papers and documents in a particular place.

[填空题]One in five us workers regularly attends after-work drinks with co-workers, where the most common (36) range from bad-mouthing(说……的坏话)another worker to kissing a colleague and drinking too much, according to a study (37) on Tuesday.
Most workers attend so-called happy hours to (38) with colleagues, although 15 percent go to hear the latest office gossip and 13 percent go because they feel obligated, said the survey conducted for CareerBuilder.com, an online job site.
As to what happens when the after-work drinks flow, 16 percent reported bad-mouthing a colleague, 10 percent shared a secret about a colleague, 8 percent kissed a colleague and 8 percent said they drank too much and acted (39) . 5 percent said they had shared a secret about the company, and 4 percent (40) to singing karaoke.
While 21 percent of those who attend say happy hours are good for (41) , 85 percent said attending had not helped th


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