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发布时间:2023-10-13 11:20:53

[填空题]The ship rocked from side to side, which caused ______ among many passengers. (seasick)

更多"The ship rocked from side to side, "的相关试题:

[填空题]move quickly from side to side

[填空题]Move quickly from side to side or up and down.

[简答题]On which side did Canada fight during WWⅡ
[单项选择]Which band is from Britain
B. Backstreet
C. M2M
D. U2
[单项选择]The ( )problem of bring a space ship back from the moon has been solved.
A. technical
B. technological
C. technique
D. technology

Which country is Bob from
[填空题]People go across it from one side to the other.

[填空题]Diet and physical qualities which passed down from our parents affect ______, a natural substance in the liver blood.

[单项选择]We learned from the passage that the great ship Titanic sailed for______.
A. Southampton
B. Philadelphia
C. New York
D. Los Angeles
[单项选择]______ is a ship in which a group of British Puritans sailed to America in 1620.
A. The Revolutionary War
B. Christmas Rose
C. Congress
D. The May Flower
[单项选择]How many miles away from the sunken ship was the girl found
[单项选择]Which can be inferred from the conversation
A. The foreign exchange earned from tourism and banking industry is one of British most important exports.
B. "Not bad!" in English often means "Just so so, thank you!"
C. Though fewer strikes have ever taken place in Britain than many other countries, there is not a way out of the awkward situation between workers, trade unions and management.
D. Coal-mining and cotton textile industry were and are still the pride and strength of the British.
[单项选择]Rocks which have solidified directly from
molten materials are called igneous rocks.
Igneous rocks are commonly referred to as
Line primary rocks because they are the original
(5) source of material found in sedimentaries and
metamorphics. Igneous rocks compose the greater
part of the earth’s crust, but they are generally
covered at the surface by a relatively thin layer of
sedimentary or metamorphic rocks. Igneous rocks
(10) are distinguished by the following characteristics:
(1) they contain no fossils; (2) they have no regu-
lar arrangement of layers; and (3) they are nearly
always made up of crystals.
Sedimentary rocks are composed largely of
(15) minute fragments derived from the disintegration
of existing rocks and in some instances from the
remains of animals. As sediments are transported,
individual fragments
A. leaves and compost
B. water and land
C. DNA and heredity
D. nucleus and cell wall
E. (E) sand and clay


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