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发布时间:2023-10-08 01:45:45


Which country is Bob from

更多"Which country is Bob from"的相关试题:

[填空题]Which country do the men come from
[单项选择]Which unit is Bob learning
[单项选择]From which country much of the rubber is produced
[单项选择]In a country which must certainly have been a long way away from where we Rumanians live, all the young people decided to kill all the old people. It’s an old, old story... What was the use of their going on living with white beards and all They had lived their life, they’d had their time and that was that. Anyone who reached the age of fifty or a bit over—he was to be done away with.
Lots of wise old men were killed and lots of wisdom passed away with them.
Only one kind-hearted young man, so they say, took pity on his father; after all, he owed his life to him in the first place. So he hid him away in a cellar and took care of him.
Time passed and a terrible drought came. Meadows and plough lands shriveled and withered and all the springs dried up. There was terrible famine, and sickness and all kinds of troubles came upon the young people thick and fast, and their hair began to go white before its time.
They would have put up with everything as best they could, b
A. People in the country fought against it bravely.
B. People in the country suffered from hunger, diseases and all kinds of troubles.
C. People could not find their green meadows any more.
D. Many people crie
[单项选择]There is no place in the whole country which is more than three hours’ journey by car from the sea.()
A. 到全国各地,开车的话,要不了三个小时,便可以无处不到。
B. 从海边开车到国内任何地方,用不了三个小时就足可以到达。
C. 即使从海上起程,三个多小时,便可驱车赶到国内任何地方。
D. 从海滨出发,驱车去全国任何地方,路程都不超过三个小时。
E. 从海上到全国各地,没有一个地方乘车可在三个小时内到达。
Kuwait is a country which is quite small, but which is very rich. It has a population of a little more than a million and it is situated at the north end of the Persian Gulf, between Iraq on the north and Saudi Arabia on the south. This small desert country is one of the world’s leading oil producers and it has about 15 percent of the world’s known petroleum (石油) reserves. Since the discovery of oil in 1938, Kuwait rulers have turned the country into a prosperous(繁荣) welfare (福利) state. It has free primary and secondary education, free health care and social services, and the Kuwait do not have to pay any personal income tax for those services. The rate (比率) of literacy (识字,有文化) is high and constantly growing. The University of Kuwait was opened in 1966, but many of the Kuwait students still study in colleges and universities abroad,
A. Because there are many immigrants who have brought science and technology.
B. Because it is rich in oil.
C. Because it has fewer people than any other country in the world.
D. Because its education is highly developed.
{{B}}TEXT C{{/B}}

In a country which must certainly have been a long way away from where we Rumanians live, all the young people decided to kill all the old people. It’s an old, old story... What was the use of their going on living with white beards and all They had lived their life, they’d had their time and that was that. Anyone who reached the age of fifty or a bit over—he was to be done away with.
Lots of wise old men were killed and lots of wisdom passed away with them.
Only one kind-hearted young man, so they say, took pity on his father; after all, he owed his life to him in the first place. So he hid him away in a cellar and took care of him.
Time passed and a terrible drought came. Meadows and plough lands shriveled and withered and all the springs dried up. There was terrible famine, and sickness
A. They couldn’t find any grain of seed to sow in their land.
B. They found their land dried up.
C. They became shriveled and withered.
D. There was terrible snow.


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