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发布时间:2024-02-01 01:21:32

[单项选择]Rocks which have solidified directly from
molten materials are called igneous rocks.
Igneous rocks are commonly referred to as
Line primary rocks because they are the original
(5) source of material found in sedimentaries and
metamorphics. Igneous rocks compose the greater
part of the earth’s crust, but they are generally
covered at the surface by a relatively thin layer of
sedimentary or metamorphic rocks. Igneous rocks
(10) are distinguished by the following characteristics:
(1) they contain no fossils; (2) they have no regu-
lar arrangement of layers; and (3) they are nearly
always made up of crystals.
Sedimentary rocks are composed largely of
(15) minute fragments derived from the disintegration
of existing rocks and in some instances from the
remains of animals. As sediments are transported,
individual fragments
A. leaves and compost
B. water and land
C. DNA and heredity
D. nucleus and cell wall
E. (E) sand and clay

更多"Rocks which have solidified directl"的相关试题:

[单项选择]Rocks which have solidified directly from
molten materials are called igneous rocks.
Igneous rocks are commonly referred to as
Line primary rocks because they are the original
(5) source of material found in sedimentaries and
metamorphics. Igneous rocks compose the greater
part of the earth’s crust, but they are generally
covered at the surface by a relatively thin layer of
sedimentary or metamorphic rocks. Igneous rocks
(10) are distinguished by the following characteristics:
(1) they contain no fossils; (2) they have no regu-
lar arrangement of layers; and (3) they are nearly
always made up of crystals.
Sedimentary rocks are composed largely of
(15) minute fragments derived from the disintegration
of existing rocks and in some instances from the
remains of animals. As sediments are transported,
individual fragments
A. differentiate between and characterize igneous and sedimentary rocks
B. explain the factors that may cause rocks to change in form
C. show how the scientific names of rocks reflect the rocks’ composition
D. define and describe several diverse kinds of rocks
E. (E) explain why rocks are basic parts of the earth’s structure
Rocks which have solidified directly from molten materials are called igneous rocks. Igneous rocks are commonly referred to as primary rocks because they are the original source of material found in sedimentaries and metamorphics. Igneous rocks compose the greater part of the earth’s crust, but they are generally covered at the surface by a relatively thin layer of sedimentary or metamorphic rocks. Igneous rocks are distinguished by the following characteristics: (1) they contain no fossils; (2) they have no regular arrangement of layers; and (3) they are nearly always made up of crystals.
Sedimentary rocks are composed largely of minute fragments derived from the disintegration of existing rocks and in some instances from the remains of animals. As sediments are transported, individual fragments are assorted according to size. Distinct layers of such sed
A. Granite.
B. Shale.
C. Slate.
D. Limestone.
[填空题]Dung fossils are often found in rocks that have been worn down by ______.
[多项选择]● Read this note which you have had from the Chairman of the company where you work.
Mireira Automotives
From Dr Mireira, Chairman Confidential

Dear Lee
I am pleased to tell you that we want to make you Manager of our branch in Sao Paolo.
The position carries the same duties as your present job, but, because the Sao Paolo branch is larger, we will give you a 15% increase in salary, and other benefits.
Your new job will start at the beginning of October.
Please let me know if you have any questions.
● Write a reply to Mr. Mireira.
· thanking him for the offer
· giving a reason why you cannot start until November
· asking for a bigger increase in salary
· requesting details about the other benefits.
● Write 60—80 words on your Answer sheet.
● Do not include postal addresses.
[单项选择]Natural foods also include animals which have been allowed to feed and move freely in healthy pastures.()
A. 自然食品还有动物,这些动物可以允许被自由喂养。
B. 自然食品还包括在牧地上自由吃食和自由活动的动物。
C. 自然食品还有动物,这些动物可以在健康牧地上吃食和自由活动。
D. 自然食品还包括允许在健康牧地上吃食和自由活动的动物。
E. 自然食品还包括在牧地上吃食和自由活动的健康的动物。
[简答题]Electronic computers, which have many advantages, cannot carry out creative work and replace man.
[单项选择]The goods which have entered the territory, approved by the Customs as items for which no formalities are performed in the way of duty payment, and will be reshipped out of the territory after being stored, processed or assembled in the territory are defined, as ______.
A. bonded goods
B. through goods
C. transshipment goods
D. transit goods


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