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发布时间:2024-10-06 23:19:15

[填空题]It is necessary that we (send) ______ a gift to him on his birthday.

更多"It is necessary that we (send) ____"的相关试题:

[填空题]It is necessary that we (send) ______ a gift to him on his birthday.
[单项选择]______ it prove necessary to send your payment by money order, please take your request to the Payments Department, where you will find the appropriate forms.
A. Could
B. Would
C. Should
D. Might

Part A
James wants to send a gift to his friend Paul. After consideration, he decides to offer him a dictionary. The reason for this is as follows:
You should write about 100 words on ANSWER SHEET 2. Do not sign your own name at the end of the letter. Use "James" instead. You do not need to write the address. (10 points)

[单项选择]Customer. I’d like to send this gift to a friend in Italy.
Clerk: ______
A. Have you got anything to declare
B. How nice!
C. I’m pleased to serve you.
D. Could you fill out this form
[单项选择]Customer: I’’d like to send this gift to a friend in Italy. Clerk:_____
A. Have you got anything to declare
B. How nice!
C. I’m pleased to service you.
D. Could you fill out this form

It is hardly necessary to point out that we live in a world of increasing industrialization. While this process enables us to raise our standard of living at an ever-accelerating rate, it also leads to a corresponding growth of interdependence between the different regions of the world.
What, then, is to be done Although itis difficult to know where to begin to deal with such a large subject, the first step is perhaps to consider the main economic difficulties an underdeveloped or emerging region has to face.
42)____________A number of quite common occurrences are therefore sufficient to cause immediate and serious interference with this export production: unfavorable weather conditions, plant or animal epidemics, the exhaustion of soil fertility or mineral deposits, the development of substitute products in the industrialized regions, etc. The sensitivity of the economy is greatly intensified in cases where exports are confined only to one

[单项选择]We know that oxygen is necessary for the breathing of animals and plants and for burning. Only one-fifth of air holds oxygen, but this is quite enough for all ordinary uses. Pure oxygen is used for special kinds of breathing and burning, for instance, patients in hospital and research workers working in high mountainous district.
High up about the earth air is not so plentiful. On the top of a mountain our lungs would not take in as much oxygen at each breath as they would at the bottom, and on very high mountains, breathing is so difficult that men have little strength.
Air has enough oxygen for the burning of a fire. Pure oxygen would cause the wood or coal to burn so fast that it would be wasted. When a very hot fire is needed for a special purpose, oxygen is supplied instead of air.
Pure oxygen is provided for ______ .
A. research workers in high mountains
B. children
C. patients
D. both A and C


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