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发布时间:2024-08-19 04:10:27

[单项选择]At the beginning of a country’s rise out of backwardness and poverty, more wealth does make a difference. However, citing surveys from China and South Korea, economist Richard Easterlin points out: "In these countries, per capita income has doubled in 20 years but overall happiness does not seem to have followed the same path." Economists are surprised, because GNP has long been thought the best indicator of human welfare. More GNP generally means more money for most people, and more money improves the quality of life, and that means happiness.
But, perhaps, the survey suggests that more money can make you happy only if those around you do not share in your good fortune. General prosperity may fail to enhance individual contentment. Perhaps it is a matter of being aware of your advantage, not that you need to get the highest salaries or be the object of envy. Maybe, individual goals vary too much to be generalized. Maybe one has nothing at all to do with the other. Freud was well
A. goals vary from person to person
B. a happy childhood means life-long happiness
C. psychoanalysts and therapists think alike
D. wealth does not always make one happy

更多"At the beginning of a country’s ris"的相关试题:

[单项选择]At the beginning of a country’s rise out of backwardness and poverty, more wealth does make a difference. However, citing surveys from China and South Korea, economist Richard Easterlin points out: "In these countries, per capita income has doubled in 20 years but overall happiness does not seem to have followed the same path." Economists are surprised, because GNP has long been thought the best indicator of human welfare. More GNP generally means more money for most people, and more money improves the quality of life, and that means happiness.
But, perhaps, the survey suggests that more money can make you happy only if those around you do not share in your good fortune. General prosperity may fail to enhance individual contentment. Perhaps it is a matter of being aware of your advantage, not that you need to get the highest salaries or be the object of envy. Maybe, individual goals vary too much to be generalized. Maybe one has nothing at all to do with the other. Freud was well
A. will certainly make people happier
B. depends on the overall level of happiness
C. does not necessarily add to people’s happiness
D. is a good indicator of human happiness

At the beginning of a country’s rise out of backwardness and poverty, more wealth does make a difference. However, citing surveys from China and South Korea, economist Richard Easterlin points out: "In these countries, per capita income has doubled in 20 years but overall happiness does not seem to have followed the same path." Economists are surprised, because GNP has long been thought the best indicator of human welfare. More GNP generally means more money for most people, and more money improves the quality of life, and that means happiness.
But, perhaps, the survey suggests that more money can make you happy only if those around you do not share in your good fortune. General prosperity may fail to enhance individual contentment. Perhaps it is a matter of being aware of your advantage, not that you need to get the highest salaries or be the object of envy. Maybe, individual goals vary too much to be generalized. Maybe one has nothing at all to do with t
A. setting a high goal
B. the respect from your neighbors
C. common prosperity
D. your superiority over others


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Signal International, a marine-fabrication firm, brought around 500 welders and pipe fitters from India—most of them from the southern state of Kerala, many of whom had laboured in various Arab Gulf states—to work in its shipyards in Pascagoula and Orange, Texas. The workers allege that they paid exorbitant sums to recruiters in India (up to $20,000), who promised them green cards. But once they arrived, they were harassed, intimidated and kept in cramped and isolated conditions. (42)
(43) They, like the Indians,

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