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发布时间:2023-10-30 01:26:05


At the beginning of a country’s rise out of backwardness and poverty, more wealth does make a difference. However, citing surveys from China and South Korea, economist Richard Easterlin points out: "In these countries, per capita income has doubled in 20 years but overall happiness does not seem to have followed the same path." Economists are surprised, because GNP has long been thought the best indicator of human welfare. More GNP generally means more money for most people, and more money improves the quality of life, and that means happiness.
But, perhaps, the survey suggests that more money can make you happy only if those around you do not share in your good fortune. General prosperity may fail to enhance individual contentment. Perhaps it is a matter of being aware of your advantage, not that you need to get the highest salaries or be the object of envy. Maybe, individual goals vary too much to be generalized. Maybe one has nothing at all to do with t
A. setting a high goal
B. the respect from your neighbors
C. common prosperity
D. your superiority over others

更多"At the beginning of a country&rsquo"的相关试题:

[单项选择]At the beginning of a country’s rise out of backwardness and poverty, more wealth does make a difference. However, citing surveys from China and South Korea, economist Richard Easterlin points out: "In these countries, per capita income has doubled in 20 years but overall happiness does not seem to have followed the same path." Economists are surprised, because GNP has long been thought the best indicator of human welfare. More GNP generally means more money for most people, and more money improves the quality of life, and that means happiness.
But, perhaps, the survey suggests that more money can make you happy only if those around you do not share in your good fortune. General prosperity may fail to enhance individual contentment. Perhaps it is a matter of being aware of your advantage, not that you need to get the highest salaries or be the object of envy. Maybe, individual goals vary too much to be generalized. Maybe one has nothing at all to do with the other. Freud was well
A. will certainly make people happier
B. depends on the overall level of happiness
C. does not necessarily add to people’s happiness
D. is a good indicator of human happiness
[单项选择]That () out to me at the very beginning.
A. ought to be pointed
B. ought to point
C. ought to have been pointed
D. ought to have pointed
Near the beginning of Goethe’s career, when his enthusiasm for Shakespeare was at once the excitement of new discovery and a reflection of the championship of the human spirit in opposition to the formalities of Neoclassicism, be happened upon the autobiography of Gotz yon Berlichingen, a sixteenth-century robber knight who represented himself as a defender of justice and righteousness in the midst of treacherous and Machiavellian princes and nobles. Inspired by these idealistic sentiments, by the new patriotic spirit, and by a strong Rousseauistic conviction in regard to the goodness of the natural instincts of man, Goethe attempted to imitate Shakespeare’s use of historical characters by writing a play about a rather obscure figure in German history. Creating an authentic sixteenth-century background, Goethe also projects something of the Sturm und Drang s
A. he felt that the peasants needed a master
B. he believed that good character was rare
C. in his play, corrupt society wins
D. he supported a robber knight
[单项选择]Near the beginning of Goethe’s career, when his enthusiasm for Shakespeare was at once the excitement of new discovery and a reflection of the championship of the human spirit in opposition to the formalities of Neoclassicism, be happened upon the autobiography of Gotz yon Berlichingen, a sixteenth-century robber knight who represented himself as a defender of justice and righteousness in the midst of treacherous and Machiavellian princes and nobles. Inspired by these idealistic sentiments, by the new patriotic spirit, and by a strong Rousseauistic conviction in regard to the goodness of the natural instincts of man, Goethe attempted to imitate Shakespeare’s use of historical characters by writing a play about a rather obscure figure in German history. Creating an authentic sixteenth-century background, Goethe also projects something of the Sturm und Drang sentiments of revolt as the rebellious hero fights against the treachery and meanness of his age.
The play is loosely organize
A. he felt that the peasants needed a master
B. he believed that good character was rare
C. in his play, corrupt society wins
D. he supported a robber knight
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[填空题]"Every three months from the beginning of 2008," says Cliff Richard, who was once Britain’s answer to Elvis Presley, "I will lose a song. " The reason is that in most European countries copyright protection on sound recordings lasts for 50 years, and (now) Sir Cliff recorded his first hit single, "Move It", in 1958. (41)
One of the big four music firms estimates that about 100m "deep catalogue" (ie, old) albums now sold in Europe each year will have entered the public domain by the end of 2010. Assuming a current wholesale price of $10, that could jeopardise $1 billion of revenues, or about 3% of annual recorded music sales. (42)
Even once much of the back catalogue has entered the public domain, the big music firms can carry on selling it on CD. They will even benefit from not having to pay anything to the artist or to his estate. They will in many cases still own copyright on the original cover art. But they will face new competition from a host of provide


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