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发布时间:2023-10-24 00:03:46

[单项选择]Only after a heated discussion()in solving the problem.
A. they did succeed
B. did they succeed
C. had they succeeded
D. they had succeeded

更多"Only after a heated discussion()in "的相关试题:

[填空题]It was only after a heated discussion that they______________________________(达成一致意见).

[填空题]Only after much heated discussion, (他们才得出结论)_____________________________________________________________________.

[简答题]It was after a serious and heated discussion that a conclusion was arrived at.
[单项选择]Only after he has acquired considerable facility in speaking ______ to learn to read and to write.
A. he began
B. will he begin
C. did he begin
D. must he begin

Passage Two
Only moments after announcing a policy of zero tolerance on cellphone use in the classroom, Ali Nazemi heard a ring. Nazemi, a business professor at Roanoke College in Virginia, took out a hammer and walked towards a young man. He smashed the offending device. Students’ faces turned white all over the classroom.
This episode reflects a growing challenge for American college teachers in, as the New York Times puts it, a "New Class (room) War: Teacher vs. Technology". Fortunately, the smashed-phone incident had been planned ahead of time to demonstrate teachers’ anger at inattentive students distracted by high-tech gadgets.
At age 55, Nazemi stands on the far shore of a new sort of generational divide between teacher and student. The divide separates those who want to use technology to grow smarter from those who want to use it to get dumber. Perhaps there’s a nicer way to put it. "The
A. students in his class didn’t listen to his announcement
B. he hated new gadgets such as cellphones
C. he no longer tolerated cellphone use in the classroom
D. he wanted to show how distractive the cellphone was

[单项选择]They seized Belgrade, though only after having encountered a stubborn ______.
A. persistence
B. resistance
C. insistence
D. assistance
[填空题]Only after he had finished watching the football game _________________________ (他才开始写报告).


Only moments after announcing a policy of zero tolerance on cellphone(手机) use in the classroom, Ali Nazemi heard a ring. Nazemi, a business professor at Roanoke College in Virginia, took out a hammer and walked towards a young man. He smashed the offending device. Students’ faces turned white all over the classroom.
This episode reflects a growing challenge for American college teachers in, as the New York Times puts it, a "New Class (room) War: Teacher vs. Technology". Fortunately, the smashed-phone incident had been planned ahead of time to demonstrate teachers’ anger at inattentive students distracted by high-tech devices.
At age 55, Nazemi stands on the far shore of a new sort of generational divide between teacher and student. The divide separates those who want to use technology to grow smarter from those who want to use it to get dumber. Perhaps there’s a nicer way to put it. "The baby boomers seem to see technology a
A. students may soon decode their program SynchronEyes
B. whether they have the right to allow teachers to monitor students
C. they must sell the program without the students’ knowing of it
D. they have to discuss whether the SynchronEyes is useful on the Web


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