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发布时间:2024-08-01 05:59:06

[单项选择]In this great global clash of interests, it is time for both sides to soften their anger and seek new ways to get along with each other. If sanity is to prevail, the guiding policy must not be ( ) but cooperation and conservation.
A. confrontation
B. reconciliation
C. ration
D. resumption

更多"In this great global clash of inter"的相关试题:

[填空题]____________(如果论文的整体框架提前设计的话), a great deal of time and energy would have been saved.
[单项选择]Where did the clash take place
A. In the southern provinces.
B. In the northern cities.
C. In the west.
D. In the east.
[简答题]Global Sourcing
For American Workers in China, a Culture Clash

As more Americans go to China to take jobs, more Chinese and Americans are working side by side. These cross-cultural partnerships, while beneficial in many ways, are also highlighting tensions that expose differences in work experience, pay levels and communication.
In the last few years, a growing number of Americans in their 20s and 30s have been heading to China for employment, attracted by its faster-growing economy and lower jobless rate. Their Chinese co- workers are often around the same age.
"The tight cooperation of the two countries in business and science makes the Chinese-American pairing one of the most common in the workplace in China," said Vas Taras, a management professor at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro, a specialist in cross-cultural work group management.
But the two groups were raised differently.
The Americans have had more
[填空题]Edmond Halley stood against Newton in his clash with Flamsteed.

[单项选择]The clash at Concord and Lexington was ( ).
A. the beginning of the War of Independence
B. the beginning of the second Continental Conference
C. a minor clash between the British and the colonists with no significance
D. none of the above
For American Workers in China, a Culture Clash

As more Americans go to China to take jobs, more Chinese and Americans are working side by side. These cross-cultural partnerships, while beneficial in many ways, are also highlighting tensions that expose differences in work experience, pay levels and communication.
In the last few years, a growing number of Americans in their 20s and 30s have been heading to China for employment, attracted by its faster-growing economy and lower jobless rate. Their Chinese co- workers are often around the same age.
"The tight cooperation of the two countries in business and science makes the Chinese-American pairing one of the most common in the workplace in China," said Vas Taras, a management professor at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro, a specialist in cross-cultural work group management.
But the two groups were raised differently.
The Americans have had more exposure
A. To inform Americans of some cultural tips on working in China.
B. To account for cultural conflicts between China and America.
C. To introduce Chinese cultural stories to average Americans.
D. To teach Chinese employers how to work with foreigners.
[单项选择]Do you know Tim’’s brother He is_______than Tim.
A. much more sportsman
B. more of a sportsman
C. more of sportsman
D. more a sportsman
[填空题]Global problem.
Global Business, Global Ethics

U. S. firms typically have a code of ethics that provides guidelines for their employees. (9) Consider a U. S. firm that sells suppliers to foreign manufacturers. Both its code of ethics and the U. S. Foreign Corrupt Practices Act prevent the firm from offering payoffs ("kick- backs") to any employees of the manufacturing companies that order its suppliers. Competitors based in other countries, however, may offer payoffs to employees of the manufacturing companies. (10) Thus, the U. S. supplier is at a disadvantage because its employees are required to follow a stricter code of ethics. This is a common ethical dilemma that U. S. firms face in a global environment. (11)
Another ethical dilemma that U. S. firms may face involves their relationship with certain foreign governments. (12) Officials of some foreign governments commonly accept bribes from firms that need approv


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