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发布时间:2024-03-15 22:42:03

[填空题]Edmond Halley stood against Newton in his clash with Flamsteed.

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King Richard III was a monster. He poisoned his wife, stole the throne from his two young nephews and ordered them to be smothered in the Tower of London. Richard was a sort of Antichrist the King --"that bottled spider, that poisonous bunchbacked toad."
Anyway, that was Shakespeare’s version. Shakespeare did what the playwright does: he turned history into a vivid, articulate, organized dream-repeatable nightly. He put the crouchback onstage, and sold tickets.
And who would say that the real Richard known to family and friends was not identical to Shakespeare’s memorably loathsome creation The actual Richard went dimming into the past and vanished. When all the eye-witnesses are gone, the artist’s imagination begins to twist.
Variations on the King Richard Effect are at work in Oliver Stone’s JFK. Richard III was art, but it was propaganda too. Shakespeare took the details of his plot from Tudor historians who wanted to b
A. his powerful imaginations.
B. artists’ distortion of history.
C. his well-established fame.
D. historians’ interest in art.


In the morning, President Bush and his wife Laura will attend a church service across from the White House. Then, they will go to the Capitol Hill for the swearing-in ceremony. Every four years, workers build a special stand outside for that purpose.
The chief justice of the United States traditionally swears in the vice president and then the president. However, Vice President Dick Cheney is to take the oath of office from Dennis Hastert, the speaker of the House of Representatives. Chief Justice William Rehnquist has thyroid cancer. But he is still planning to swear in President Bush.
Newly inaugurated presidents give a speech, officially called an inaugural address.
After the ceremony, the president and vice president and guests go inside the Capitol to have lunch. Later, they watch a parade along Pennsylvania Avenue with floats and marching bands from around the country. Pennsylvania Avenue is a wide street with the Capitol at one end an
A. introduce the process of presidential inauguration
B. introduce the new president
C. introduce how presidents are elected
D. introduce the wife of Mr. Bush

[单项选择]Victor took a bus and headed for home, ()if his wife would have him back.
A. not to know
B. not known
C. not knowing
D. not having known
[填空题]Newton took his revenge on Flamsteed by canceling all reference to him in later edition of Principia.

[填空题]After the operation, ______ (他能否康复一定程度上取决于) his willpower now.
[单项选择]Great as Newton was, many of his ideas today and are being modified by the work of scientists of our time.
A. are to challenge
B. may be challenged
C. have been challenged
D. are challenging
[单项选择]Great as Newton was, many of his ideas () today and are being modified by the work of scientists of our time.
A. are to challenge
B. may be challenged
C. have been challenged
D. are challenging
[填空题]In addition to his theory of colour, Newton developed a theory of how light travels. This is known as the corpuscular (微粒子的) theory of light, meaning that light travels as a series of tiny bits rather than of continuing waves. Newton sent his writings about light to the Royal society, where they were given to a committee led by Hooke. Since the corpuscular theory was different from his own theory, Hooke attacked the paper. Soon other started to argue, and Hooke was supported by a scientist from Holland, Christian Huygens. At one time, Newton was so unhappy with the whole affair that he decided never again to publish any of his work.
The bitter argument continued over the years that followed. At first, Hooke and Huygens received most of the support. Later Newton had changed his mind and let his work on gravity be published, he became so famous that things changed. Now people believed Newton could do nothing, wrong, and for a hundred years they followed his theory. Then, in the ea


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