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发布时间:2024-02-23 20:58:09


Today marks the 30th anniversary of the Iranian hostage crisis. And President Obama said that he wants to move beyond the past and build a relationship with Iran based on mutual interest and mutual respect. U.S.-Iran relations had been hostile since the day that Islamic students stormed the U.S. embassy in Tehran and held 52 Americans hostage for more than 400 days. Iran’s government holds rally every year to celebrate that event. Today there’s something different though, anti-government protesters are also on the streets. We are also getting some reports of clashes with those police. No word about any injury yet.

How many hostages did Islamic students hold( ).
A. 400.
B. 52.
C. 30.
D. 100.

更多"Today marks the 30th anniversary of"的相关试题:


Today marks the 30th anniversary of the Iranian hostage crisis. And President Obama said that he wants to move beyond the past and build a relationship with Iran based on mutual interest and mutual respect. U.S.-Iran relations had been hostile since the day that Islamic students stormed the U.S. embassy in Tehran and held 52 Americans hostage for more than 400 days. Iran’s government holds rally every year to celebrate that event. Today there’s something different though, anti-government protesters are also on the streets. We are also getting some reports of clashes with those police. No word about any injury yet.

Which of the following is CORRECT( ).
A. Today marks the 30th anniversary of the Iranian hostage crisis.
B. President Obama said that he wants to move beyond the past.
C. Today is as same as usual.
D. No anti-government protesters are on the streets.
[简答题]Ladies and gentlemen,
This year marks the 30th anniversary of China’s reform and opening up to the outside world. Our company has been active in China since its first presence here as early as 1872, and has witnessed the rapid growth of China’s economy since 1978.
China now is not only a market of products to the outside world, but also a country of the source of production, research and development, as well as innovation. The reform and opening up policy is a significantly wise decision that not only helped our company and China, but also the whole world. It is the key success factor for China’s economy; it was absolutely the right decision for the country. We can see the fruit of the decision for many years to come.
Our company is probably one of the few international companies that have witnessed these 30 years in China. The overall investment climate in China, for an international company is constantly improving.
By and large, the transparency of the bus
[单项选择]A. May 30th. B. June 30th. C. July 30th. D. August 30th.
[填空题]offers are valid until after 30th September.

[单项选择]On September 30th students at the University of Massachusetts threw a toga (a ceremonial gown) party. The cops showed up, uninvited. They charged the host, James Connolly, with underage drinking, making too much noise, and having a keg without a licence. For punishment, he had to put on his toga again and stand in front of the police station for an hour.
Dan Markel of Florida State University reckons that such "shaming punishments" are on the rise. In 2003 a couple of teenagers who defaced a nativity scene in Ohio had to parade through town with a donkey.
"The punishment must fit the crime," explained the judge, Michael Cicconetti. Several cities have aired the names of men caught soliciting prostitutes on "John TV". In 2004, a federal appeals court agreed that a mail thief could be made to stand outside a California post office wearing a sandwich board. "I stole mail," it read. "This is my punishment." In Virginia, if you fail to pay child support, you may find your car whee
A. A man involved in sexual services has to parade through city with a donkey.
B. A letter thief is forced to stand outside a post office to admit his wrongdoing.
C. A person not paying child support is aired on TV.
D. A student drinking alcohol must stand in front of schoolgate for an hour.
[单项选择]President Bush’s visit was planned to () 30th anniversary of President Nixon’s visit to China.
A. depend on
B. adhere to
C. coincide with
D. cling to
[单项选择]President Bush’s visit was planned to______30th anniversary of President Nixon’s visit to China.
A. depend on
B. adhere to
C. coincide with
D. cling to
[单项选择]This weekend marks 25 years since the publication of the U.S. Department of Education’s explosive report "A Nation at Risk. " Its powerful indictment of American education launched the largest education-reform movement in the nation’s history, paving the way for strategies as different as charter schools and the federal No Child Left Behind (NCLB) Act. But even after a vast political and financial investment spanning two and a half decades, we’re far from achieving the report’s ambitious aims.
We’ve learned a lot about school reform in 25 years, lessons that suggest that it is possible, eventually, to achieve "A Nation at Risk’s" ambitious aims. We’ve learned that a lot of public schools require incentives to lift their sights for their students. The nation’s long tradition of letting local school boards set standards isn’t going to get us where we need to go educationally. If anything, NCLB’s requirement of statewide standards needs to be taken to its logical conclusion—rigorous
A. restated the long-term goals for American education.
B. was released and made into the much acclaimed NCLB Act.
C. directed its criticism at the then educational system.
D. accused American education of wasting federal funding.

I studied engineering after enjoying top marks. Then university life came!
I thought that I must have some (36) disorder, as it seemed that everyone else was absorbing the materials but they were (37) me. There were never enough hours in the day and weekend to attend the lecture, study the lessons and then do the assignments. I couldn’t (38) to win the battle.
During my darkest hour I (39) home to speak to my father saying "Dad, I don’t think I can (40) this. " My father said, "There is no returning home. If you give up, then you are on your own. "
I hung up thinking that what an awful heartless thing to say. Then, I (41) to stand up. There seemed to be no other (42) available!
Soon afterwards, I noticed a poster stating: "Studying Skills" with a place and time to meet.
I attended that meeting and discovered there were several others in
A. familiar 
B. same 
C. similar 
D. pleasant


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