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发布时间:2023-09-29 16:25:37

[简答题]Ladies and gentlemen,
This year marks the 30th anniversary of China’s reform and opening up to the outside world. Our company has been active in China since its first presence here as early as 1872, and has witnessed the rapid growth of China’s economy since 1978.
China now is not only a market of products to the outside world, but also a country of the source of production, research and development, as well as innovation. The reform and opening up policy is a significantly wise decision that not only helped our company and China, but also the whole world. It is the key success factor for China’s economy; it was absolutely the right decision for the country. We can see the fruit of the decision for many years to come.
Our company is probably one of the few international companies that have witnessed these 30 years in China. The overall investment climate in China, for an international company is constantly improving.
By and large, the transparency of the bus

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Today marks the 30th anniversary of the Iranian hostage crisis. And President Obama said that he wants to move beyond the past and build a relationship with Iran based on mutual interest and mutual respect. U.S.-Iran relations had been hostile since the day that Islamic students stormed the U.S. embassy in Tehran and held 52 Americans hostage for more than 400 days. Iran’s government holds rally every year to celebrate that event. Today there’s something different though, anti-government protesters are also on the streets. We are also getting some reports of clashes with those police. No word about any injury yet.

Which of the following is CORRECT( ).
A. Today marks the 30th anniversary of the Iranian hostage crisis.
B. President Obama said that he wants to move beyond the past.
C. Today is as same as usual.
D. No anti-government protesters are on the streets.
[简答题]Ladies and Gentlemen, Happy New Year! This is the first new year since our company’s opening here. As I look back over the past year, I am grateful to you all for your efforts which have made it possible for the company to achieve unexpected high performance. I thank you again. I hope that this year will be an even greater year for our company and for all of us.
[简答题]Ladies and Gentlemen,
Happy New Year!
This is the first new year since our company’s opening here. As I look back over the past year, I am grateful to you all for your efforts which have made it possible for the company to achieve unexpected high performance. I thank you again.
I hope that this year will be an even greater year for our company and for all of us.

[简答题]Ladies and Gentlemen,
Merry Christmas!
This is the first Christmas day since our company’s opening here. Looking back over the previous year, I am grateful to you all for your great efforts which have made it possible for the company to make unexpected high achievements. On behalf of the board of directors, I would like to thank you again. Looking ahead, I believe we will have an even brighter future.

[单项选择]A. May 30th. B. June 30th. C. July 30th. D. August 30th.
[填空题]Ladies and gentlemen,
It is my special pleasure to welcome our new staff member, Mr. simon anderson.He has come here from Australia。He has recently graduated from the North Bank University where he majored in TESL(teaching English as a Second Language).He is young and full of energy.
Mr. Anderson will be working mostly in our day-time classes.and he has also agreed to take some of our evening classes. He will be in hefei with us for at least two semesters.
Our mission(使命) of our college is to promote understanding and cooperation between
the young people of our two countries. By having people like Mr.Anderson.who are willing to give up the comfort of their friends in their own country to come to a strange country.we feel we are very lucky and that our mission will be all the more easily realized.
Mr. Anderson.the other faculy members and the rest of staff of this college join with me
in extending to you our sincerest welcome. we are indeed happy to have y
[简答题]Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen,
Thanks for the warm welcome. I appreciate very much the invitation to come today. I’m really glad to be back in this great city. It’s good to be in a room full of accomplished women.
I enjoy being in the company of entrepreneurs, risk-takers,dreamers and doers. You all share a lot of common experiences. You’ve met challenges of starting a business. And that’s hard. It required more time than you had in a day, more money than you kept in your bank, and more energy than you thought you had. But you chose an interesting life-you chose to lead. You chose to follow your dreams.
As we know, nearly half of all small businesses are owned by women. Firms owned by women are being started at more than twice the national rate. The entrepreneurial spirit is alive and well. I appreciate your spirit. You’re making the country a better place by working as hard as you do.
This is a land of great wealth, and it’s a land of great opportuni

Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen, and welcome aboard your Scenic Cruiser Bus to Saint Louis, Memphis, and New Orleans with changes in Saint Louis for Kansas City and points west. This coach is scheduled to arrive in Saint Louis at eight o’clock. You will have a fifteen-minute rest stop at Bloomington at three o’clock and a half-hour dinner stop at Springfield at five-thirty. Passengers on this coach are scheduled to arrive in Memphis at seven o’clock tomorrow morning and in New Orleans at five o’clock tomorrow afternoon. Please don’t forget the number of your coach when re- boarding. That number is 4118. Let me remind you that federal regulations prohibit smoking cigarettes except in the last three rows to the rear of the coach. No pipe or cigar smoking is permitted anywhere in the coach. If you wish to smoke. kindly move to the last three rows. This coach is rest-room equipped for your comfort and convenience. Please watch your step when moving

[填空题]Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the Joshua Haines House, the long time home of the famous congressman and later judge. Although Haines and his family lived here from 1880 until his death in 1915, he was not the original owner of the structure. It was built much earlier for a banker who later became an ambassador. Following the Haines family occupancy, the house was owned by an industrialist. It was purchased in 1925 by the state and opened to the public shortly after. The Haines family returned some possessions and furniture to the house for visitors’ enjoyment. I would like to direct your attention to the library on your left. Through the open door, you can see the desk where the congressman wrote many of his famous speeches. The drawing-room to your right was used, of course, when guests visited. But the congressman often sat with his close friends in the kitchen at the back of the house. It was there that they discussed bills that later became law. The Haines liked to spend some ti


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