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发布时间:2024-08-01 05:05:16

[单项选择]Castro attended a Catholic Cathedral service ( ).
A. to mourn the death of the Pope
B. to make a speech
C. to comfort the church officials
D. to make a break of the tradition

更多"Castro attended a Catholic Cathedra"的相关试题:

[单项选择]Castro attended a Catholic Cathedral service ______.
A. to mourn the death of the Pope
B. to make a speech
C. to comfort the church officials
D. to make a break of the tradition
[简答题]  Marlene Castro knew the tall blonde woman only as Laurene, her mentor. They met every few weeks in a rough Silicon Valley neighborhood the year that Ms. Castro was applying to college, and they e-mailed often, bonding over conversations about Ms. Castro’s difficult childhood. Without Laurene’s help, Ms. Castro said, she might not have become the first person in her family to graduate from college.   It was only later, when she was a freshman at University of California, Berkeley, that Ms. Castro read a news article and realized that Laurene was Silicon Valley royalty, the wife of Apple’s co-founder, Steven P. Jobs.   “I just became 10 times more appreciative of her humility and how humble she was in working with us in East Palo Alto,” Ms. Castro said.   The story, friends and colleagues say, is classic Laurene Powell Jobs. Famous because of her last name and fortune, she has always been private and publicity-averse. Her philanthropic work, especially on education causes like
[单项选择]How many former American presidents attended Gerald Ford’s funeral service
A. 5.
B. 3.
C. 4.
[单项选择]Dwight attended Lincoln elementary school, directly across the street from his home. The curriculum emphasized rote learning. "The darkness of the classrooms on a winter day and the monotonous hum of recitation," Eisenhower wrote in his memoirs, "... are my sole surviving memories. I was either a lackluster student or involved in a lackluster program." He came to life for the spelling bee and arithmetic. Spelling contests aroused in him his competitive drive and his hatred of careless mistakes—he became a self-confessed martinet on the subject of orthography. Arithmetic appealed to him because it was logical and straightforward—an answer was either right or wrong.
The subject that really excited him, however, was one that he pursued on his owns military history. He became so engrossed in it, in fact, that he neglected his chores and his schoolwork. His first hero was Hannibal. Then he became a student of the American Revolution, and George Washington excited his admiration. He tal
[单项选择]Who else attended the concert()
A. Some tourists.
B. Some of Eve’s friends.
C. Some high school students.
D. Some art students.
[单项选择]Which is correct about the cathedral and bazzar metaphor
A. Linux is better than Microsoft.
B. Linux is worse than Microsoft.
C. Linux is equal to Microsoft.
[单项选择]Visitors to St. Paul Cathedral are sometimes astonished as they walk round the space under the arch to come up a statue which would appear to be that of a retired armed man meditating upon a wasted life. They are still mare astonished when they see under it an inscription indicating that it represents the English writer, Samuel Johnson. The statue is by Bacon, but it is not one of his best works. The figure is, as often in eighteenth-century sculpture, clothed only in a loose robe that leaves arms, legs and one shoulder bare. But the strangeness for us is not one of costume only. If we know anything of Johnson, we know that he was constantly iii all through his life; and whether we know anything of him or not we are apt to think of a literary man as a delicate, weakly, nervous sort of person. Nothing can be further from that than the muscular statue. And in this matter the statue is perfectly right. And the fact which it reports is far from being unimportant.
The body and the mind
A. they do not expect it to be there
B. it was dressed in Roman costume
C. it was situated in the dome
D. it was dressed in eighteenth-century costume
[单项选择]How many children attended kindergartens in the United States by the year of 1885()
A. 29,670.
B. 29,617.
C. 29,760.
D. 29,716.
[单项选择]How many fans attended the Glastonbury Festival in 2004
A. 115 thousand.
B. 50 thousand.
C. 150 thousand.
[单项选择]Although Chopin later attended the Lyceum where his father taught, his early training began at home. This included receiving piano lessons from his mother. By the age of six, Chopin was creating original pieces, showing innate prodigious musical ability. His parents arranged for the young Chopin to take piano instruction from Wojciech Zywny.
When Chopin was sixteen, he attended the Warsaw Conservatory of Music, directed by composer Joseph Elsner, like Zywny, who insisted on the traditional training associated with Classical music but allowed his students to investigate the more original imaginations of the Romantic style as well.
As often happened with the young musicians of both the Classical and Romantic Periods, Chopin was sent to Vienna, the unquestioned center of music for that day. He gave piano concerts and then arranged to have his pieces published by a Vienna publishing house there. While Chopin was in Austria, Poland and Russia faced off in the apparent beginnings o
A. Poland
B. France
C. Scotland
D. Vienna


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