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发布时间:2024-02-16 00:52:02

[简答题]  Marlene Castro knew the tall blonde woman only as Laurene, her mentor. They met every few weeks in a rough Silicon Valley neighborhood the year that Ms. Castro was applying to college, and they e-mailed often, bonding over conversations about Ms. Castro’s difficult childhood. Without Laurene’s help, Ms. Castro said, she might not have become the first person in her family to graduate from college.   It was only later, when she was a freshman at University of California, Berkeley, that Ms. Castro read a news article and realized that Laurene was Silicon Valley royalty, the wife of Apple’s co-founder, Steven P. Jobs.   “I just became 10 times more appreciative of her humility and how humble she was in working with us in East Palo Alto,” Ms. Castro said.   The story, friends and colleagues say, is classic Laurene Powell Jobs. Famous because of her last name and fortune, she has always been private and publicity-averse. Her philanthropic work, especially on education causes like

更多"  Marlene Castro knew the tall blon"的相关试题:

[单项选择]Only a woman is capable of standing in front of a wardrobe packed full of clothes and announcing sadly that she has nothing to wear.()
A. 有这样一个独一无二的很有能力的女人,站在衣柜前将自己的衣服都打包,然后哀叹自己其实没有买什么衣服。
B. 这是唯一的一个站在衣柜前将自己的衣服都打包,然后哀叹自己无衣可穿的女人。
C. 只有女人才会站在装满衣服的衣柜前哀叹无衣可穿。
D. 唯有女人才有能力这样:站在衣服满满的衣柜前却哀叹无衣可穿。
[填空题]If only I had knew the answer, I (tell) ______ you.

[单项选择]Where is the woman fromWhere is the woman from
A. Australia.
B. Canada.
C. England.
[单项选择]Where is the woman fromWhat does the woman mean
A. She made the dress herself.
B. Her mother bought the dress for her.
C. Her mother made the dress for her.
[单项选择]Dose the woman like Chinese foodDose the woman like Chinese food
A. Yes.
B. No.
C. Unclear.
[填空题]How tall was the robber
[单项选择]What is the woman waiting forWhat is the woman waiting for
A. She is waiting for the man.
B. She is waiting for her mother.
C. She is waiting for a bus.
[单项选择]What does the woman mean

What does the woman mean
A.She will show him the way.
B.She doesn’t catch his meaning.
C.She doesn’t understand English.
A. She will show him the way.
B. She doesn’t catch his meaning.
C. She doesn’t understand English.
[单项选择]What does the woman want to buyWhy does the woman want to make the purchase in that store
A. The article is cheap in the store.
B. The article is of good quality in the store.
C. The store is near her place.
D. The store has free delivery service.
[单项选择]What does the woman want to buyWhat does the woman want to buy
A. A sweater.
B. An expensive pen.
C. A microwave oven.
D. A dishwasher.
[单项选择]Why does the woman call the manWhen will the woman get in
A. 11:15.
B. 10:45.
C. 8:10.
[单项选择]Why does the woman call the manWhy does the woman call the man
A. To tell him the time and place of a meeting.
B. To tell him how to get to Birmingham.
C. To tell him to visit Don White.
[单项选择]Dose the woman like Chinese foodWhat is the woman’s favorite Chinese food
A. Beans.
B. Bean curd.
C. Peas.
[单项选择]What is the woman’s replyWhat does the woman mean
A. They’re ready for the snow.
B. Once it starts, it’ll snow a lot.
C. It has been snowing for some time.
D. The winter has just begun.
[单项选择]A. The woman types too fast. B. The woman types faster than he does.
C. The woman types slowly. D. The woman couldn’t type fast.


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