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发布时间:2024-02-11 00:15:53

[单项选择]Who else attended the concert()
A. Some tourists.
B. Some of Eve’s friends.
C. Some high school students.
D. Some art students.

更多"Who else attended the concert()"的相关试题:

[单项选择]The majority of those who attended the meeting remained () throughout the entirety of the exciting presentation.
A. captivating
B. captivation
C. captivated
D. captivates

[听力原文] M: I attended the children’s concert yesterday, and I got quite a kick out of it. W: Did you really I’m fed up with children’s performances.

Who do you think likes the children’s concert ()
A. The man.
B. The woman.
C. Both of them.
D. Neither of them.

Anyone who has ever attended a university knows that the quality of lecturers varies greatly. A few are very effective communicators, conveying the substance of their lectures clearly and interestingly and inspiring students to want to know more about the subject. Others produce dull lectures from which the students learn little and which are likely to kill any interest they may have in the subject. Lecturing is a major part of a university lecturer’s job and it would seem reasonable that effectiveness in this task should be a major standard in assessing a lecturer for promotion. However, it is very often the case that far more weight is given to such factors as participation in research, number of publications and even performance of administrative duties. My point of view is that a lecturer’s lecturing should be regularly evaluated and that the best people to carry out this evaluation are those directly on the receiving end.
It could, of course, be argued th
A. there are great differences among the lecturers as to their quality of teaching
B. quite a lot of teachers can produce the results students desire
C. they must be inspired to learn
D. it is too dull to attend lectures

[填空题]Who will perform on the concert A group of ______.

Who else did the man want to invite
[单项选择]When did the concert begin
A. 7:15.
B. 7:30.
C. 7:50.
D. 7:35.
[单项选择]When does the concert finish
A. 6:30.
B. 8:30.
C. 9:30.
[单项选择]Dwight attended Lincoln elementary school, directly across the street from his home. The curriculum emphasized rote learning. "The darkness of the classrooms on a winter day and the monotonous hum of recitation," Eisenhower wrote in his memoirs, "... are my sole surviving memories. I was either a lackluster student or involved in a lackluster program." He came to life for the spelling bee and arithmetic. Spelling contests aroused in him his competitive drive and his hatred of careless mistakes—he became a self-confessed martinet on the subject of orthography. Arithmetic appealed to him because it was logical and straightforward—an answer was either right or wrong.
The subject that really excited him, however, was one that he pursued on his owns military history. He became so engrossed in it, in fact, that he neglected his chores and his schoolwork. His first hero was Hannibal. Then he became a student of the American Revolution, and George Washington excited his admiration. He tal


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