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发布时间:2024-02-07 00:48:27

[多项选择]Management Skills: the importance of effective decision-making procedures within a company

更多"Management Skills: the importance o"的相关试题:

[单项选择]A. Effective self management skills are key to academic and career success.
B. If you spend a lot of time on your school work, you will become a good manager later.
C. School work can be time-consuming and is likely to make you feel exhausted after class.
D. Good management calls for more time and energy on the part of the academic staff.
[简答题]{{B}}Management Skills: the importance of effective decision-making procedures within a company{{/B}}
[简答题]We all agree the importance of reading skills, but ___________ (有巨大的差异). as to how they should be taught.
The Importance of Good Communications

Effective communication is essential for all organizations. It links the activities of the various parts of the organization and ensures that everyone is working towards a common goal. It is also extremely important for motivating employees. Staff need to know how they are getting on, what they are doing right and in which areas they could improve. Working alone can be extremely difficult and it is much easier if someone takes an interest and provides support. Employees need to understand why their job is important and how it contributes to the overall success of the firm. Personal communication should also include target setting. People usually respond well to goals, provided these are agreed between the manager and subordinate and not imposed. However, firms often have communication problems that can undermine their performance. In many cases, these problems occur because messages are passed on in a
A. some feedback on their job performance.
B. an explanation of how company targets have been set.
C. information on promotion prospects within the company.
D. an indication of which duties they can expect assistance with.
[多项选择]Financial Management: the importance of maintaining financial control across all departments
[多项选择]Personnel Management: the importance of monitoring stress levels among staff in a company
Time Management and Money

how effective they are—unless when our choices are so extreme that eventually we are
[多项选择]Staff Management: the importance of encouraging staff to make suggestions for improvements
[多项选择]Management: the importance of a clearly defined management structure in a business organization
[简答题]· Time Management: the importance of punctuality in all aspects of work, · Recruitment: how to ensure that job ads attract appropriate applicants. · Customer Relations: how to set up an effective customer services system.
[简答题]{{B}}Financial Management: the importance of maintaining financial control across all departments{{/B}}
[简答题]{{B}}Personnel Management: the importance of monitoring stress levels among staff in a company{{/B}}
[简答题]{{B}}Staff Management: the importance of encouraging staff to make suggestions for improvements{{/B}}


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