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发布时间:2023-11-25 07:53:50


"I don’t have any money with me. Do you" he asked.
He said ().

A. he didn’t have any money with him and asked me if I had
B. he doesn’t have any money with him and I do
C. he didn’t have any money and asked me if I do
D. he didn’t have money and asked me

更多""I don’t have any money "的相关试题:

[单项选择]Do you have any idea what time it is now ()
A. Monday.
B. It’s 9:00.
C. September 5.
D. It’s October 1, 2003.
[单项选择]Speaker A: Do you have any idea what it’ll cost to send this little package to Australia
Speaker B: You’ve got me. The farthest I’ve ever sent a package is Canada.
Speaker A: ______.
A. But I needn’t send any package to Canada
B. But Canada is not the place I like to send my package to
C. That’s OK. Let me ask Jane. She’s from Australia, you know
D. Oh, yes. Australia is beyond me

M: Do you have any money you could loan me
W: I wish I could. Now I have only two dollars till the end of the week.

Will the man borrow any money from the woman()
A. Yes, because she has two dollars.
B. Yes, because she wants to help him.
C. No, because she will need the money this week.
D. No, because she doesn’t want to lend him the money.
[多项选择]PART 1
·Do you have any pets
[简答题]Do you have a personal computer Do you think it is wise to buy a personal computer Write an essay on this topic. You should use your own ideas, knowledge or experience to generate support for your argument and include an example.
[简答题]Do you have any plans for further study?
[填空题] Do you have any knowledge of the space station A space station is a place 【21】 people can and work on space 【22】 long periods. It orbits the earth, usually about 200 to 300 miles high. A space station may 【23】 as an observatory, laboratory, factory, workshop, warehouse, and fuel depot. Space stations are much larger than manned spacecraft, 【24】 they provide more comforts. Manned spacecraft may 【25】 people between the earth and the space station. Unmanned spacecraft may supply the station 【26】 food, water, equipment, mail and so on. Small space stations can be 【27】 on the earth and launched orbit by 【28】 rockets. Larger stations are 【29】 in space. Rockets or space shuttles 【30】 modules of the station into space, where astronauts assemble them. Old modules can be replaced, and new modules can be 【31】 to expand the station. A space station has 【32】 one docking port 【33】 which a visiting spacecraft can attach itself. Most docking ports 【34】 of a rimmed doorway called a hatch
A. A.big


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