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发布时间:2024-02-05 18:16:08

[单项选择]Speaker A: Do you have any idea what it’ll cost to send this little package to Australia
Speaker B: You’ve got me. The farthest I’ve ever sent a package is Canada.
Speaker A: ______.
A. But I needn’t send any package to Canada
B. But Canada is not the place I like to send my package to
C. That’s OK. Let me ask Jane. She’s from Australia, you know
D. Oh, yes. Australia is beyond me

更多"Speaker A: Do you have any idea wha"的相关试题:

[单项选择]Do you have any idea what time it is now ()
A. Monday.
B. It’s 9:00.
C. September 5.
D. It’s October 1, 2003.

W: Have you got any idea what you’ll buy for Mary’s birthday
M: Well, I’ll buy her a school bag. And I promised to take her to a film. What about you
W: Ob, I haven’t decided yet. I’ll probably buy her a new music record.

What gift will the woman probably get for Mary ( )
A. A school bag.
B. A record.
C. A theater ticket.
[单项选择]Speaker A: Have you ever done any work in this field
Speaker B:()
A. It doesn’ t mean I can ’ t do it well without experience.
B. No. But we did some practice in class.
C. Maybe I can try it now.
D. This is just the chance for me to practic
[单项选择]Man: Have you any idea what Jack Johnson’s doing these days
Woman: Do you know, I’ve lost track of him.
Question: What does the woman mean( ).
A. She has no idea where Jack is.
B. She last saw Jack at the race track.
C. She’s been trying to track Jack.
D. Jack was lately seen driving a truck.
[简答题]What do you think is the main idea of this passage when you see the title

What does the speaker mean a. You don’t have to pay any attention to him for he has already had many people around him. b. You don’t have to pay any attention to him for he will not take it seriously. c. You don’t have to pay any attention to him for he has already got drunk. d. You don’t have to pay any attention to him for he is busying dealing with many things.
[填空题]What should you also do when you have a cold Try to ______ other people.
[填空题]What should you also do when you have a cold
Try to ______ other people.

[填空题]What have you to do before you get to the departure gate You have to pay ______.
[多项选择] What do you do to unwind How do you relax your mind
[填空题]What can you also do if you want to know more about it
You can get information from its _____________________.


F: What do you usually do in your spare time
M: I like staying at home and DIY.
F: Woo! What do you do particularly
M: I like to make some furniture and family decorations myself.
F: How did you come to like that
M: Well, I once visited one of my friends. He did very well in decorating his own house. I came back and started my own decoration. It costs less. Now I am an expert.

What does the man mean by "DIY"( ).
A. Do things himself.
B. Help others.
C. Decorate his house.

W: What do you usually do at weekends
M: I often go for long walks and sometimes I go to my club and play bowling.

What does the man usually do on weekends()
A. He goes for long walks,
B. He goes to his clubs.
C. He plays bowling.
D. He plays chess.
[多项选择] What’s your job (What do you do for a living What types of prospective job tasks do you enjoy the most Which prospective job tasks do you least care to do What’s the advantage of a good headhunter)
[简答题]Have you any idea where he lives

M: What do you often do on Saturdays, Mary
W: I usually go to the park and do some exercises in the morning, read books in the afternoon and watch TV in the evening. How about you
M: I like play basketball.

What does Mary usually do on Saturday afternoon( ).
A. She reads books.
B. She goes to the park.
C. She does some exercises.
D. She watches TV.


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