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发布时间:2023-12-05 04:00:59

The University of London

Notes for International Students(外国学生入学须知)

All applicants whose first language is not English are required to show that their ability to under-stand and express themselves in both written and spoken English is sufficiently high for them to benefit from their courses of study.It is very important that international students do not make the journey to England until they have been formally notified that they will be admitted to the university,and until they are certain that they have sufficient funds to pay for their tuition fees and living expenses.

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[简答题]The University of London
Notes for International Students(外国学生入学须知)
All applicants whose first language is not English are required to show that their ability to understand and express themselves in both written and spoken English is sufficiently high for them to benefit from their courses of study. It is very important that international students do not make the journey to England until they have been formally notified that they will be admitted to the university,and until they are certain that they have sufficient funds to pay for their tuition fees and living expenses.
The University of London

Notes for International Students(外国学生入学须知)

All applicants whose first language is not English are required to show that their ability to under-stand and express themselves in both written and spoken English is sufficiently high for them to benefit from their courses of study.It is very important that international students do not make the journey to England until they have been formally notified that they will be admitted to the university,and until they are certain that they have sufficient funds to pay for their tuition fees and living expenses.

The University of London

Notes for International Students(外国学生入学须知)

All applicants whose first language is not English are required to show that their ability to under-stand and express themselves in both written and spoken English is sufficiently high for them to benefit from their courses of study.It is very important that international students do not make the journey to England until they have been formally notified that they will be admitted to the university,and until they are certain that they have sufficient funds to pay for their tuition fees and living expenses.

The International Monetary System

The international monetary system is (29) institutional arrangement among the central banks of the countries (30) belong to the International Monetary Fund (IMF) . This overall monetary system includes different kinds of institutions, financial instruments, rules, and procedures within (31) foreign exchange markets function. This system is the framework within which countries borrow, (32) , buy, sell and make payments across political frontiers. The framework determines how bal- ance of payments disequilibrium is (33) and the consequences that the adjustment process will have on the countries (34) .
The objective of this system is (35) an international environment that (36) conducive to the free (37) of goods, services, and capital among nations. (38) , this system also strives to create a (39) foreign exc
A. a
B. x
C. an
[单项选择]The executive director of Transparency International Kenyan was dismissed because he______.
A. was unable to enforce some regulations
B. tried to gain some financial profits in the name of Transparency International
C. failed to earn financial profits for Transparency International
D. was unable to sign contracts with a company
[填空题]Why is negotiation more complicated in international transaction

[单项选择]Passage 2
The law of private international tribunals with respect to conflicts of interest of arbitrators is quite extensive, albeit by no means uniform. It relates both to what will disqualify an arbitrator and to what the arbitrator must disclose during the selection process. Most national legal systems have statutory roles as to the types of interests, relationships, and experiences that disqualify an arbitrator. Not infrequently, the disqualifying factors are identical for arbitrators and judges, although they may treat domestic and international arbitration somewhat differently, and may indeed supplement the international roles with additional features. A closer look reveals that courts and arbitration agencies tend to apply the regulations relatively lightly, recognizing that arbitrators move in the highly interconnected world of affairs,
A. something that cannot be determined by the text
B. all parties being present when matters involving them are discussed
C. the requirement to set aside a decision
D. impartiality


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