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发布时间:2024-02-21 18:37:53

[填空题]Why is negotiation more complicated in international transaction

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[填空题]Why is negotiation more complicated in international transaction
[单项选择]It is commonly believed that the more complicated animals developed from the simpler ones.
A. 人们认为,复杂的动物是由比较简单的动物发展而来的。
B. 人们普遍认为,较高级的动物是由比较低级的动物进化而来的。
C. 人们一般认为,动物都是从简单到复杂转变而来的。
D. 它被相信,动物的变化都是从麻烦到简单。
[单项选择]Some people have a more complicated sensory life than others. Most taste tuna only when they eat it. A few, though, taste it when they hear a particular word, such as "castanet". Others link the color red with the letter "S" or make some other inappropriate connection between stimulus and response. Such people are known as synaesthetes, and the phenomenon of synaesthesia has puzzled brain scientists since it was recognized over a century ago.
Most researchers in the field suspect synaesthesia is caused by crossed wires in synaesthetes’ brains, but until recently they have had no way to check this hypothesis. However, the development of a technique called diffusion-tensor imaging has changed that. And researchers at the University of Amsterdam have just applied it to the brains of 18 women (the sex more likely to experience synaesthesia) who have the most common form of the condition. This is called grapheme-color synaesthesia. It is a tendency to see letters and numbers in color.<
[填空题]Why is the domain name game become more and more difficult for late comers
A. A.Because later comers is not creative enough to invent special domain
B.Because many common names have already been taken
C.Because the resell market rise extremely quickly.

[填空题]The way we see things is more complicated (复杂的) than we imagine. Our eyes give us information all the time. But our brains decide what is (11) to us. For example, if you (12) a crowded street, you will see many faces. But you will probably not really notice them. But if you see someone you know, you will (13) him immediately. From this example we can see that your brain chooses the visual information which is (14) to you, and rejects the information which it does not need. The way your brain explains that information depends on the knowledge you have about the world. And all this happens in (15) a second.


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