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[填空题]Only by united opposition,______(我们才能够根除恐怖主义).

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[填空题]Only by united opposition,______(我们才能够根除恐怖主义).

[单项选择]甲为投身恐怖主义活动而参加了某国国际恐怖主义组织,法院认定甲构成参加恐怖组织罪。甲的行为属于( )
A. 预备犯
B. 实行犯
C. 帮助犯
D. 未遂犯

Opposition to the Vietnam War in the United States developed immediately after the beginning of the war, chiefly among traditional pacifists, such as the American Friends Service Committee and antinuclear activists. Early protests were organized around questions about the morality of U. S. military involvement in Vietnam. Virtually every key event of the war, including the Tet Offensive and the invasion of Cambodia, contributed to a steady rise in antiwar sentiment. The revelation of the My Lai Massacre in 1969 caused a dramatic turn against the war in national polls.
Students and professors began to organize"teach-ins"on the war in early 1965 at the University of Michigan, the University of Wisconsin, and the University of California at Berkeley. The teach-ins were large forums for discussion of the war between students and faculty members. Eventually, virtually no college or university was without an organized student movement, often spearheaded by Students fo
A. It was an organization that opposed to pass the law of Vietnam War or even when passed, it appealed to its members to refuse to serve in the war.
B. It was an organization that called on the students to oppose the war and refuse the war.
C. It was an organization that persuaded the students members not to register to serve in the army or even when registered not to serve in it.
D. It was an organization which denounced the war as racist as early as 1963.

A. 预备犯
B. 实行犯
C. 帮助犯
D. 未遂犯
[单项选择] 美国在遭受“9-1l”恐怖袭击后采取了这样的政策:“要么与我们站在一起去反对恐怖主义,那你是我们的朋友;要么不与我们站在一起,那你是我们的敌人。”下面哪一项与题干中的表达方式不相同 有一则汽车广告:“或者你开凯迪拉克,那么你是富人:或者你根本不开车,那么你是穷人!” 以足球为职业的人只有两种命运:要么赢,那你是英雄,面对鲜花、欢呼、金钱、美女:要么输,那你是孬种、笨蛋,面对责难、愤怒、谩骂,打落牙齿往肚里吞。 如果一位教授有足够的能耐,他甚至能够把笨学生培养合格;因此,如果他不能把笨学生培养合格,就说明他的能耐不够大。 要么你做一个道德高尚的人,那你就无私地贡献自己的一切:要么你做一个卑鄙的人,那你就不择手段地谋私利。
A. 北极熊牌冰箱的广告比企鹅牌冰箱的广告多。
B. 售货员卖出一台企鹅牌冰箱所得的收入比卖出一台北极熊牌冰箱得到的收入少。
C. 电冰箱的制冷效果仅仅是由它的压缩机的质量决定的。
D. 企鹅牌冰箱每年的销量比北极熊牌冰箱每年的销量大。

Passage Four
The Disaster of Terrorism

by Craig Kielburger
New York has an energy of its own, and that late summer evening, I truly understood why. All around me the city was alive with activity as everyone headed in different directions. The Big Apple’s fabled ambition, wealth, and power were on full display, in the sleek cars stopped by the curb, the bright windows of the bustling restaurants, and the studied nonchalance of stylish young people out on the town. As I cut through the financial district, I passed the Twin Towers, shimmering in the streetlights.
Then came the next morning. Even before I heard what was happening, it was clear that something was terribly wrong: there was an unfamiliar edge of desperation to the city’s usual hectic pace. At a friend’s house, uneasy but unsure why, I turned on the TV news. Within seconds, I saw one, then another, plane crash int
A. the dazzling cars, the brilliant shop windows, and the nonchalant stylish youth
B. the dazzling cars, the brilliant shop windows, and the shimmering Twin Towers
C. the Big Apple, the brilliant shop windows, and the nonchalant stylish youth
D. the people in the streets, the brilliant shop windows, and the nonchalant stylish youth

[单项选择] The Disaster of Terrorism

by Craig Kielburger

New York has an energy of its own, and that late summer evening, I truly understood why. All around me the city was alive with activity as everyone headed in different directions. The Big Apple’s fabled ambition, wealth, and power were on full display, in the sleek cars stopped by the curb, the bright windows of the bustling restaurants, and the studied nonchalance of stylish young people out on the town. As I cut through the financial district, I passed the Twin Towers, shimmering in the streetlights.
Then came the next morning. Even before I heard what was happening, it was clear that something was terribly wrong: there was an unfamiliar edge of desperation to the city’s usual hectic pace. At a friend’s house, uneasy but unsure why, I turned on the TV news. Within seconds, I saw one, then another, plane crash into the World Trade Center. Time stopp
A. the dazzling cars, the brilliant shop windows, and the nonchalant stylish youth
B. the dazzling cars, the brilliant shop windows, and the shimmering Twin Towers
C. the Big Apple, the brilliant shop windows, and the nonchalant stylish youth
D. the people in the streets, the brilliant shop windows, and the nonchalant stylish youth

[多项选择]反对恐怖主义是各国政府和人民的共同任务。下列关于反恐怖斗争的正确观点有( )。
A. 联合国在反恐怖斗争中应发挥主导作用
B. 恐怖主义只是某个人或组织的偶然行动
C. 应当反对一切形式的恐怖主义
D. 在反对恐怖主义问题时不应实行双重标准


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