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发布时间:2023-10-21 13:36:32

[填空题]Nike has a new television advertisement showing that an athlete with HIV______.

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[填空题]Nike has a new television advertisement showing that an athlete with HIV______.

[单项选择]Passage One
For decades, heart disease has had the honor of being the leading killer of Americans. Most heartrelated deaths happen among the elderly. But a new study finds that an alarming portion of heart failure cases are occurring in a much younger group, especially among African Americans.
In the first large-scale study to document the extent of the race gap in heart disease, researchers report that one in 100 black adults develop heart failure in their 30s and 40s-a rate 20 times higher than that of similarly aged white adults. "What these data point out is that it’s important to recognize that disease patterns differ in different populations," says Dr. Kirsten. "We would have completely missed this at-risk group had we only been looking at older age groups."
The new report is a large government-funded survey. The aim of the study was to document the frequency of heart disease among young adults, so researchers recruited more than 5,000 volunteers a
A. heart disease is no longer the leading killer of Americans
B. heart disease can be well controlled at a younger age
C. chances of developing heart disease are equal among the young and the elderly
D. African Americans are more likely to develop heart disease at a younger age
[单项选择]Text 4
The U. S. Bureau has estimated that the population of the United States could approach 300 million in 2000 and will be 400 million in 2020. And the U. S. Department of Commerce estimates that the average U.S. per capita income will increase from $3400 in 1969 to the equivalent of$8300(assuming a 1967 price level) in the year 2000,2.5 times as much as that of 1969.
According to government statistics, in the United States, there are over 110 million cars and "more people" means "more cars". By the end of twenties of next century, the population of the United States will have doubled that of today and the number of automobiles will be doubled as well. And in twenty-year’s time the per capita income will also be 2.5 times higher than it is. If this increase income is spent on more and larger automobiles, larger houses, and increased cons
A. The population will increase, but the income will decrease.
B. The population will decrease, but the income will increase.
C. Both will increase.
D. Both will decrease.

I saw a television advertisement recently for a new product called an air sanitizer. A woman stood in her kitchen, spraying the empty space in front of her as though using Mace against an imaginary assailant. She appeared very determined. Where others are satisfied with antibacterial-laced sponges, dish soaps, hand sanitizers and telephone wipes, here was a woman who sought to sterilize the air itself.|
As a casual student of microbiology, I find it hard to escape the absurdity here. This woman is, like any human being, home to hundreds of trillions of bacteria. Bacteria make up a solid third, by weight, of the contents of her intestines. If you were to sneak into her bathroom while she was showering-and based on my general impression of this woman from the advertisement, I don’t recommend this-and secret away a teaspoon of the water at her feet, you would find some 820 billion bacteria. Bacteria are unavoidably, inevitably-and, usually, utterly benignly-a part of o
A. if he washes his hands every time he touches a surface
B. if he only washes his hands with soap and water
C. if he could not win over the bacteria in his home
D. if he does not fight against the bacteria at home


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