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发布时间:2023-10-07 07:45:08

[填空题]Nike has a new television advertisement showing that an athlete with HIV______.

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[填空题]Nike has a new television advertisement showing that an athlete with HIV______.
[单项选择]Text 4
The U. S. Bureau has estimated that the population of the United States could approach 300 million in 2000 and will be 400 million in 2020. And the U. S. Department of Commerce estimates that the average U.S. per capita income will increase from $3400 in 1969 to the equivalent of$8300(assuming a 1967 price level) in the year 2000,2.5 times as much as that of 1969.
According to government statistics, in the United States, there are over 110 million cars and "more people" means "more cars". By the end of twenties of next century, the population of the United States will have doubled that of today and the number of automobiles will be doubled as well. And in twenty-year’s time the per capita income will also be 2.5 times higher than it is. If this increase income is spent on more and larger automobiles, larger houses, and increased cons
A. The population will increase, but the income will decrease.
B. The population will decrease, but the income will increase.
C. Both will increase.
D. Both will decrease.

I saw a television advertisement recently for a new product called an air sanitizer. A woman stood in her kitchen, spraying the empty space in front of her as though using Mace against an imaginary assailant. She appeared very determined. Where others are satisfied with antibacterial-laced sponges, dish soaps, hand sanitizers and telephone wipes, here was a woman who sought to sterilize the air itself.
As a casual student of microbiology, I find it hard to escape the absurdity here. This woman is, like any human being, home to hundreds of trillions of bacteria. Bacteria make up a solid third, by weight, of the contents of her intestines. If you were to sneak into her bathroom while she was showering—and based on my general impression of this woman from the advertisement, I don’t recommend this—and secret away a teaspoon of the water at her feet, you would find some 820 billion bacteria. Bacteria are unavoidably, inevitably—and, usually, utterly ben
A. We don’t need to worry too much about bacteria everywhere in our life.
B. Antibacterial products for the home are found to be effective.
C. The TV advertisement the writer mentioned is a total failure.
D. The existent bacteria pose a threat only to the very young and very old.

[填空题]The new medicine has proved (effect)()in curing the cancer.
[单项选择]The increase in international trade has lead to the demand for employees with the ability to communicate in a foreign language()
A. 国际贸易的增加要求员工具备使用外语交际的能力。
B. 国际贸易增加了对员工使用外语交际能力的要求。
C. 国际贸易的增加需要具备外语交际能力的员工。
D. 国际贸易增加了员工使用外语的要求,也提高了他们的外语能力。
[单项选择]Science Academy study: It has been demonstrated that with natural methods, some well-managed farms are able to reduce the amounts of synthetic fertilizer and pesticide and also of antibiotics they use without necessarily decreasing yields; in some cases yields can be increased.
Critics: Not so. The farms the academy selected to study were the ones that seemed most likely to be successful in using natural methods. What about the farmers who have tried such methods and failed
Which one of the following is the most adequate evaluation of the logical force of the critics’ response
A. Success and failure in farming are rarely due only to luck, because farming is the management of chance occurrences.
B. The critics show that the result of the study would have been different if twice as many farms had been studied.
C. The critics assume without justification that the failures were not due to soil quality.
D. The critics demonstrate that natural methods are not suitable for the majority of farmers.
E. (E) The issue is only to show that something is possible, so it is not relevant whether the instances studied were representative.

Escaping from the Earth
The Earth has a force that pulls things toward itself. We call this force gravity(地心引力). This is something we live with all the time, and we take it for granted and hardly ever think about it. But it is a most important factor in rocket operation and must be overcome if we are to get anywhere in space, or off the ground at all.
Take the throwing of a ball as an example. The harder the ball is thrown, the faster and higher it will go. What is the secret Its speed. If we could throw the ball hard enough it would go up and up forever and never come down. The speed at which it would have to be thrown to do this is known as escape speed. Of course, we cannot throw a ball hard enough because the speed required to escape completely from the Earth’s gravity is seven miles per second, or over twenty-five thousand miles per hour.
Once escape speed has been reached by a spacecraft(宇宙飞船), no further power is needed. A rocket aimed
A. To travel as fast as it can.
B. To overcome the Earth gravity.
C. To get away from the air resistance.
D. To have strong power in its operation.


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