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发布时间:2024-07-07 22:04:46

[单项选择]AT & T refers to ______.
A. American Telephone & Telex
B. Associated Telephone & Television
C. American Telephone & Telegraph

更多"AT & T refers to ______."的相关试题:

[简答题]There is no agreement whether methodology refers to the concepts peculiar to historical work in general or to the research techniques appropriate to the various branches of historical inquiry.
[简答题]invisible trade/insurance/and/of services/refers to/banking/such as/the trade
{{B}}TEXT C{{/B}}

Material culture refers to the touchable, material "things"--physical objects that can be seen, held, felt, used--that a culture produces. Examining a culture’s tools and technology can tell us about the group’s history and way of life. Similarly, research into the material culture of music can help us to understand the music-culture. The most vivid body of "things" in it, of course, are musical instruments. We cannot hear for ourselves the actual sound of any musical performance before the 1870s when the phonograph (留声机) was invented, so we rely on instruments for important information about music-cultures in the remote past and their development. Here we have two kinds of evidence: instruments well preserved and instruments pictured in art. Through the study of instruments, as well as paintings, written documents, and so on, we can explore the movement of music from the Near East to China over a thousand years ag
A. it helps produce new cultural tools and technology
B. it can reflect the development of the nation
C. it helps understand the nation’s past and present
D. it can demonstrate the nation’s civilization
[单项选择]AIO refers to
A. actions, involvement and options.
B. activities, interests and opinions.
C. advertising, impact and opportunities.
[单项选择]Phatic communication refers to
A. language’s function of the expression of identity.
B. social interaction of language.
C. language’s function of expressing itself.
D. sociological use of language.
[单项选择]The Spenserian Stanza refers to
A. a free style.
B. a nine-line verse stanza.
C. a free verse stanza.
D. nine-line poems.
[单项选择]Distinctive sound refers to()
A. allomorph
B. phoneme
C. phone
D. minimal pairs
[单项选择]Intangible cultural heritage generally refers to immaterial aspects of culture—ephemeral products like stories and language itself, as well as to the beliefs, values, and forms of knowledge and skill give cultures their vitality. This heritage can, for example, include wedding dances and funeral laments, artisans’ skills and orally conveyed knowledge of farming. You might find its traces in a museum—plants used by a traditional healer, for example—but it is mostly the living, oral tradition of a people.
Scholars have long recognized the intangibility of culture. In the 18th and 19th century’s philologists, folklorists and others tried to document the world’s oral traditions. Yet the term "intangible cultural heritage" is relatively recent. In 1950, Japan initiated a living national treasures program to recognize the great skills of masters of the traditional arts. In the West, meanwhile, jurists recognized the idea of intellectual property and defined copyright and patent. In the
A. An ancient temple for religious ceremonies.
B. A rare manuscript of fanning.
C. A ritual dance from the ancient times.
D. An antique from the Song Dynasty.
[多项选择]Body language refers to such meaning representing devices as ______.
A. facial expressions
B. eye behaviours
C. gestures
D. postures
[填空题]Weather refers to atmospheric conditions during a few hours or days.
[单项选择]Automation refers to the introduction of electronic control and automatic operation of productive machinery. It reduces the human factors, mental and physical, in production, and is designed to make possible the manufacture of more goods with fewer workers. The development of automation in American industry has been called the "Second Industrial Revolution."
Labor’s concern over automation arises from uncertainty about its effects on employment, and fears of major changes in jobs. In the main, labor has taken the view that resistance to technological change is futile. In the long run, the result of automation may well be an increase in employment, since it is expected that vast industries will grow up around manufacturing, maintaining, and repairing automation equipment. Unquestionably, however, there will be major shifts in jobs within plants and displacement of labor from one industry to another. The interest of labor lies in bringing about this transition with a minimum of in
A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 5


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